A Conversation for Butter and Margarine

Cooking with butter

Post 1


To my mind there is a massive difference between butter and margarine in baking as well as melted on toast etc. (with marmite of course). They make biscuits taste so much nicer and cakes are JUST NOT RIGHT without it.smiley - cake Butter melts in the mouth whereas margarine sort of coats the mouth and leaves a nasty oil-seed-rape taste in the mouth. I may be fussy, but I can tell the difference even in supermarket posh cookies where they mix the two. Not M & S though, they are The Bees Knees, specially their smashing scones. smiley - tea

Cooking with butter

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I always use butter when baking smiley - drool ACtually I pretty much always use it full stop as its just the flavour smiley - drool
And, in baking say making pastry you need* the fat content... smiley - drool
Having said which, a friend makes his pastry using err its not lard, but its somethign very similar, and its even* better smiley - droolsmiley - porkpie

Cooking with butter

Post 3

John Howes

Now Im about to make a cake & have read the for or against Buttere & Marg , so what do I use ? jayaraich.

Cooking with butter

Post 4


Personally I'd go for butter any day, but then I don't like marg anyway - it feels like I'm chewing oil. smiley - yuk

Are you able to make two smaller cakes, one with butter and one with marg? Then you can report back and let us know which is best!

smiley - fairy

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