A Conversation for Neon Genesis Evangelion
i like it too :>
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Started conversation Sep 30, 2001
right, so when you say impossible to get, do you mean you could actually give me any hints on getting them?
end of evangelion
Ryogasoul Posted Feb 23, 2002
I'm pretty sure that end of evangelion will be coming out on DVD this year. It may already be avaliable. Check www.animeondvd.com.
end of evangelion
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Feb 24, 2002
gah, i do not have a dvd player, don't believe in all that new fangled technology anyway.
end of evangelion
Ryogasoul Posted Feb 25, 2002
I just read an ad for it in Protoculture addicts # 69.
Neon Genesis Death and Rebirth will be released by Manga Entertainment on April 30, 2002.
The End of Evangelion will be released on July 30, 2002.
They probably will have both DVD's and VHS. Hope it helps.
end of evangelion
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Feb 25, 2002
is that in america or the uk? sorry, i probably could find out all this stuff for myself, i'm just too lazy.
end of evangelion
Ryogasoul Posted Mar 2, 2002
That is in the US and I think also in Australia.
The company is manga entertainment.
also there is an australian site .
Not a very cheery anime. The tag line for it is "Welcome to the apocalypse".
end of evangelion
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Apr 6, 2002
hehe, i'm sure thats half the point isn't it?
its not as discusting and disurbing as some other manga can be either.
end of evangelion
Vilaeth Posted Aug 5, 2002
Both End of Evangelion and Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death & Rebirth are coming out on UK DVD from Manga. Sadly, ADV haven't started releasing the Eva TV series on DVD yet. Having had the chance to see the first 4 episodes subtitled and dubbed, I'd say I prefer the original Japanese voice actors. But then, I hate Spike Spencer
i like it too :>
Vilaeth Posted Aug 5, 2002
Try [Unsuitable link removed by Moderator] They import American DVDs, and ship from inside England so you don't have to pay really high prices just on shipping.
The 8 DVD boxset of Evangelion is £115, with £4.50 p+p.
i like it too :>
Researcher 211435 Posted Dec 10, 2002
Bah, go to www.cdnow.com and serch for Evangelion, then buy the Eva Perfect collection (whole lot) on region 2 dvd for £55 with no P&P.
If you want any Eva questions answered come to www.uk.scifi.com/forum
i like it too :>
pip Posted Apr 28, 2003
uk relsies of the seris has started now. i would sergest you save your money for the blten box set thay are gona do after thay have all the dvd's relsed. i however, do not have the strngth to prcitst what i prech. oh well...all the more cash for magna and adv i spose
i like it too :>
The Iron Maiden Posted Nov 21, 2004
Funny how things change over the years? All the DVDs are available in HMV now and I should be ordering the boxset soonish
definately wasn't so widely available round the time this thread started.
Evangelion rules!
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i like it too :>
- 1: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Sep 30, 2001)
- 2: Ryogasoul (Feb 23, 2002)
- 3: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Feb 24, 2002)
- 4: Ryogasoul (Feb 25, 2002)
- 5: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Feb 25, 2002)
- 6: Ryogasoul (Mar 2, 2002)
- 7: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Apr 6, 2002)
- 8: Vilaeth (Aug 5, 2002)
- 9: Vilaeth (Aug 5, 2002)
- 10: Researcher 211435 (Dec 10, 2002)
- 11: Researcher 211435 (Dec 10, 2002)
- 12: Researcher 211435 (Dec 10, 2002)
- 13: pip (Apr 28, 2003)
- 14: The Iron Maiden (Nov 21, 2004)
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