This is the Message Centre for Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)
Amy P's NaJoPoMo 2013--November 19
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Started conversation Nov 20, 2013
I'm not one that gets out and about the neighborhood to meet and talk with all the neighbors *puts out pillows for all the fainting-from-shock folks * but Tom does, a bit. The lady directly across the street is nice, as is her husband, evidently, though things started a little rocky. The other lady across from the front of the house (we've the house on the corner, so we've 2 streets for people to be across) is a bit wary of our dog--while we do have a fence all the way around, sometimes the gate isn't closed all the way, and Penny doesn't always come when she's called. Most of the time, she doesn't
We *have* found that if we honk the truck horn thrice, she'll run back in the gate
Has to be the truck, though--she's about 50-50 with any other horn. She's not at all vicious, but she *does* want to play, and is quite insistent about it--if she's not cowering because you're an unknown adult (she was 14 months when we got her 2 years ago--she's much better than she was). The neighbor right next door, behind the tall wood fence, was a mystery--Tom hadn't even had a chance to talk with him. Then last week, it turned out he moved and the owner of the house was moving in--and that person was someone we'd gone to community college with! I re-met her today, and I was right when I thought her name rang a bell--though I'm not sure I would've recognized her otherwise. Not a huge surprise, since it'd been at least 16 years since I'd seen her! Probably longer, since I think she graduated a year or so before we did, and Tom and I got married a couple of months after our community college graduation.
Amy P's NaJoPoMo 2013--November 19
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Nov 20, 2013
It's a joy and a blessing when your neighbours become friends. I've got some new neighbours on the and they are a delight. But I've got some who're total unknowns. I hope your new neighbour is an asset.
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Amy P's NaJoPoMo 2013--November 19
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