A Conversation for The Nordic Researchers Club

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 1


Hej smiley - smiley

If you happen to be in Copenhagen before the 15.8.2006 don't miss the open air exhibition of Steve Blooms 'Spirit of the Wild' photos at Kongens Nytorv:


"The Gallery will be open 24-7 without any entrance fee, at night the photos is illuminated. [...]
The exhibition will show 100 pictures, size 120x180cm"

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 2


*makes notes*

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 3


smiley - space
* waves smiley - winkeye *

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 4


*waves back*

I honestly don't know but it may as well happen that I end up in DK this summer. smiley - biggrin

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 5


Roskilde or the Jazz Festival? smiley - winkeye

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 6


Neither. smiley - laugh
I'd call it hitchhiking in Sweden. smiley - silly

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 7

Santragenius V

Then you'll have taken a wrong turn somewhere smiley - silly

Haven't studied the exhibition - but have seen it is indeed there.

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 8

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i may go see it monday or tuesday

(yes, hati, you guessed right: i have both days off smiley - nahnah)

smiley - pirate

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 9


*rolls eyes*

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 10

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yesterdays freedom won't help us today smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 11


So you never made it to... smiley - huh

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 12

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

nope. i borrowed a brand new car that wouldn't start smiley - erm

but i may have a chance next week - holiday, you know? smiley - winkeye

smiley - pirate

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 13


Holiday? Again? smiley - envy Don't hurt yourself.

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 14

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i'll try not to. after all i have to be fit for my 2 weeks holiday in august smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 15


Ah yes, that's true. smiley - rofl

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 16

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

and i learned yesterday that those two weeks will be followed by a week long very relaxing course with all expenses paid smiley - cool

smiley - pirate

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 17


smiley - bigeyes

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 18

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i can't help thinking, if they had payed me to go to school that way when i was a kid i might be a lot smarter, or at least more educated today smiley - huh

and - er - "even better nourished" smiley - silly

smiley - pirate

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 19


smiley - shhh Don't tell that to any kid. smiley - winkeye

Copenhagen: Steve Bloom exhibition at Kongens Nytorv

Post 20

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

aye, a lot of kids are too thick already smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

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