A Conversation for Hiccups

Thread Moved

Post 41


smiley - smileysmiley - ok

Thread Moved

Post 42


Be happy! smiley - biggrin You've been accepted!!!

I was the scout that found you're brilliant article - well done! smiley - smiley

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Post 43

RedFish ><>

smiley - biggrin


A608988 - Hiccups

Post 44


Neuroaccoustic Diafragmacontractions = hiccups

Just so you know...

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 45

RedFish ><>

Hm, thats is a useful fact, thanks... can I still add to it now?

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 46

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

If you can still find the 'Edit Article' Button, you probably can... but don't change too much or you might muck things up and slow things down considerably. A little linguistic gem like Neuro.. contractions should be in there nonetheless I think.

Hey and well done redfish! smiley - rocket

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 47

RedFish ><>

I added that tidbit...hardly any difference so should be ok smiley - biggrin

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 48

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Ooops, seems I'm a little late, and the party is already in full steam smiley - smiley

I wanted to add another method... make the victim *concentrate* on a difficult task or problem. 'What is a half plus a half times a half' is such a question. Most hiccups are cured when the (wrong) answer is finally arrived at. The correct answer is "3/4 (because multiplying goes before adding), minus a hickup" smiley - smiley

I realise that some of the drinking rules could be boiled down to the 'concentrating' task! Perhaps they work even without water smiley - smiley

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 49

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Oh, and editing this entry will always be possible because it's *your* copy. The SubEd has hir copy at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A617852 and won't see any changes to the origina - but will see this thread smiley - smiley

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 50

RedFish ><>

well hopefully theyll notice that useful likkcle pice of info and put it isn smiley - biggrin

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