A Conversation for Hiccups

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 1

RedFish ><>


Here is a short article on hiccups. I was telling someone how to cure the (drinking backwards method) when I realised that i couldnt find an entry on them on h2g2. so heres my version smiley - smiley

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 2



Here's the link you wanted smiley - smiley

Hmmm, nice and you include my method (the holding your breath one - although it's a little more complex than that) but ... smiley - erm just seems so short. Is there nothing more to be said?

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 3

RedFish ><>

in the orignal guide, some entried were just one word ("harmless")smiley - biggrin

I could expand it by explaining how to carry out each cure... whaddya think?

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 4


Sounds good smiley - smiley

For the holding breath one, my technique (usually pretty effective) is to hold my breath as much as I can and then breath in three or four more gasps of air so the diaphragm is stretched completely. You must then hold your breath for *at least* one minute - less and it probably won't work.

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 5

RedFish ><>

Thanks, thats helpful cos i use either the deep breaths or water backwards method. ill do this all later...

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 6

LL Waz

Short and sweet smiley - smiley.

I read this looking for more hints on stopping hiccups, I find them painful. The only way I find that works for me is to drink water in, slowly, while breathing both in and out, so that you're continually drinking. But this can't be done while driving without risking arrest.

I think expanding the cures is a good idea. I will try Orcus' method for the hiccup attack at the wheel.

Any idea what makes hiccups last years in some cases?

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 7


Expanding the cure descriptions could be be a good idea.
Drinking water backward sounds a little like spitting it out unless you explain more completely.

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 8

RedFish ><>

True although it is difficult to explain... maybe the Art Team can do me a diagram to help explain it...

Any other cures I havent listed in the article? I iwll add your drinking water while breathnig slowly 1 Waz

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 9

il viaggiatore

Do you mean drinking water from the side of the glass farthest from you?

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 10

RedFish ><>

I have just added the explanations of the cures. And yes, I do smiley - biggrin.

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 11


You cure hiccups by getting someone to knock you out with a cricket bat. Worked for me.

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

I like this article. Other than a few typos, I think it is perfect.

vocal chords --> vocal cords
methos --> method
relx --> relax
huccups --> hiccups
contunie --> continue

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 13

RedFish ><>

Thanks, I have just corrected those typos smiley - biggrin

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 14

RedFish ><>

Right. I think I will now leave it... im not going to add to it any more. so. ~waits~ smiley - biggrin

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 15


smiley - ok

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 16

RedFish ><>

So.. what happens now, Orcus (seeing ur a scout)

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 17

RedFish ><>


A608988 - Hiccups

Post 18


You have to wait for one of us to pick it smiley - smiley
Don't hold your breath for me, another three weeks before I get anymore.
Just use a little smiley - zen

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 19

RedFish ><>

~waves a banner in the air "pick this article"~

smiley - biggrin

A608988 - Hiccups

Post 20


I was just thinking what a good idea an entry on hiccups would be and here it is!

I'm an afficianado of hiccups cures, so, here's some more:

- Take a spoonful of sugar in your mouth and suck it - slooowly - until it dissolves
- Stand with your back flat against a wall and, keeping your arms outstretched and flat against the wall, lift your arms up abpove your head (like 'making angels' in the snow)
- Drink a fizzy drink through a straw
- Drink any drink, preferably fizzy, and preferably through a straw, but with your fingers in your ears (balance the drink on a table or get a friend to hold it!)

I recommend all of these - hope you can add them!

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