A Conversation for Australian and NZ Researchers

Latham has resigned

Post 1


Anyone have any thoughts or feelings they'd like to share with the group?

Latham has resigned

Post 2

Ivan the Terribly Average

No, not really. *sigh*

I was starting to wonder if he was in fact having some sort of psychological crisis; it would explain his apparent mental paralysis over the last few weeks...

Latham has resigned

Post 3


I think its a case of jumping off before your pushed. Latham lost momentum after the election and never regained it.smiley - smiley

Latham has resigned

Post 4


Although I was never a big fan of Latham as a leader (I'm a Kimbo fan myself smiley - smiley), I think he was treated very harshly....put into leadership so close ot an election and then everyone blaming him when they didn't win (surely they would have known that people would be unsure of someone who had only been around such a short time?) and then being attacked when he got sick, for no other reason I could see than that he was sick.

It makes me think a little less of the Party.

Latham has resigned

Post 5

Ivan the Terribly Average

I quite like Kimbo too - it'll do no harm if he gets his old job back. Then again, Julia Gillard is tolerable too.

The ALP needs a rebuild. It's no longer clear what it's for.

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