A Conversation for Writing Guidelines
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rejection bites
DJ Yassy Yas Started conversation May 8, 1999
Whoever said reality bites, was either dead wrong, extremely vonfused or drunk. It is, in fact, rejection that bites. Sob. Then again, I suppose one could say one is honoured to be one of the many, many people rejected by the Editors at h2g2. Hmmm, perhaps I should sign up as one of the tear stained children exuding sympathy...
rejection bites
Researcher 34261 Con Posted May 8, 1999
I have the highest regard for you. You have actually found out how to get your article rejected - I wish I could. All I seem to be able to do is get it on my user page - or is that the same thing - or have I got a button missing in the goo??? Help!
rejection bites
vegiman:-) Posted May 8, 1999
You dont know what rejection is. Just look up one of my relations the 'PARSNIP' has to put up with. vegiman
rejection bites
Ganondorfl Posted May 9, 1999
I've noticed that, once you've written something how does it get submitted? Does it have to commented on by someone before it gets done or something?
rejection bites
CTD Posted May 9, 1999
To get your article submitted, you write it, and click Update page (or Whatever) to go back to your home page. Then click 'edit' beside the article, and at the bottom is a button marked 'Consider for rejection (It's a joke!) If they don't reject it, it will be in the Guide!
rejection bites
BJ Posted May 9, 1999
You can't have been totally rejected or i wouldnt' know what you've just submitted! or maybe it's another corruption of time. Maybe it;s something you wouldhavegoing-to-be rejection, in which case i have/will/be-going-to read in the future/present/past. If any of the above even remotly makes the slightest bit of sense to you, get professional help immediatly from the campaign for real time.
rejection bites
Aleut Steve - Researcher 30330 Posted May 9, 1999
past tense .... was that before or after I just read it back then?
rejection bites
Slacker Posted May 9, 1999
Looking at your "fashion" article, I think needs to say a bit more...at the moment you're merely expressing disdain for something (which is fine!) but some info might make it better.
Don't forget - if you're rejected, it doesn't mean you can't rewrite your article and re-submit it if you think you've improved it enough.
Yes, rejection hurts - I got depressed when testing the system every time I got a rejection email - and I wasn't even trying to get accepted!
Submitting an article
Solitaire Posted May 10, 1999
Submitting an article just takes a bit of wading through the goo. Go to your researcher home page and click on the button to add a journal entry. Instead of creating a journal entry though,
click on the link under the create a page instead (in the text, "If you want to preserve your wisdom for posterity, however, you might prefer to create a page instead.").
Create your page and then click on the button in the goo on the side that says something about editing or updating your page. From there you should be able to submit it.
An easier way for submitting pages might be nice, but I suppose this cuts down on the traffic for pages they have to review.
rejection bites
Researcher 34261 Con Posted May 11, 1999
No matter what I do or where I go I cannot find the "consider for rejection" button. Is it because I'm working from a Mac and not from a PC like most of you. Has my "button" got lost in the translation. H2G2 editors - please help - I'm trying desperately to be rejected!!!! Any other mac users out there - do you have the same problem???
rejection bites
S.R.A.H. Posted May 12, 1999
Rejection is bites? If it is worse than WAITING to be rejected then I may redirect my interests - developing a facial tick or something to pass the time and spark conversation.
rejection bites
S.R.A.H. Posted May 12, 1999
Rejection is bites? If it is worse than WAITING to be rejected then I may redirect my interests - developing a facial tick or something to pass the time and spark conversation.
rejection bites
bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran Posted May 14, 1999
You can get rejected on a Mac just like on a peecee.
To find the 'submit for rejection' button, first you have to have an entry on your home page. Then you can add a user page. Then return to your 'home'. Look at the bottom of the page now, and you will see your brand-new user page listed, with 'edit' next to it. CLICK ON EDIT. When the 'edit' page appears, you will see the magical 'submit for rejection' button. After you have clicked on the 'submit for rejection' button' and you go back to your home page you will see that the entry has now been marked (submitted). You then wait an indefinite period of time for the staff to return from lunch and look at your entry before they send you your rejection slip, by email, I believe. I am waiting for my first rejection slip.
This all may seem slightly confusing since there are several things you can write: 'home page' 'journal entry' 'user page' as well as any messages you write which are called 'forum entries'. User pages are also called forum entries, as are journal entries. User pages can be submitted and become Guide Entries, or rejected and remain user pages/forum entries/or pan-galactic gargleblasters which you can then drink and drown your sorrows.
Now this all works the same way on Mac--unless I am completely wrong and all the names have been changed on my Mac, in which case you can just assign whatever name you want to whatever thing you write and just hope that they all are rejected...and if all else fails, there is the DON'T PANIC button. At least that's what I think it's called. not sure at this point...things seem to be embedded in a formless mass of goo, and I think I just saw a whale and a vase of flowers fall by my window...
...those mac folks may not get everything right, but at least they knew the century was going to end. [someone I admire greatly said that]
Rejection bites
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 24, 1999
No, rejection definitely bites. Especially if you happen to be a neurotic fourteen-year-old gurl with manic depressive psychosis (according to a weird man with leather sandals and long curly hair) and a cat that bites your toes in the middle of the night. When my friend got her rejections she jumped into the river. Except that the river was not very deep (ie a stream) and so she only got wet up to her knees. Well, she got a bit told off as well, by her mum. But she didn't get anything else.
Rejection bites
S.R.A.H. Posted May 28, 1999
I did not seek professional help.
I did not jump in a river.
I did not leave any Scotch in the bottle.
I did not help my liver.
I did feel like I had achieved,
Plus the alcohol was nice.
One thing I feel I really need
Is feedback and advice.
So how about it Slacker?
Is life now far too hectic?
To include a simple answer
to why we are rejected?
Rejection bites
(Insanie) Zanie Janie Posted May 30, 1999
Is it true that when you burp, your liver bleeds? I don't think it can be, because nurses give you lemonade to make you burp. My friend Morven told me that after me and my other friend Naomi taught ourselves to burp.
Rejection bites
vegiman:-) Posted May 31, 1999
I have submitted and given in 3 times. In wrestling the fight is over. Time to end it all.
I have not received a rejection e-mail (do they exist) and my pages do not appear in the official list ( I think ). Have my pages sunk to an all time low.
check em out if you dare:
Try this one first and get the T SHIRT
Rejection bites
S.R.A.H. Posted Jun 20, 1999
Jeez Mari, I feel sick every time I burp now. I suppose I look dumb appologising to my gut each time I belch ( an art in its own right ).
Considering that I have been timed as being able to belch once a second for over a minute - does this mean that I have been bleading myself to near death ? ( I just thought it was the booze )
I think you friend may have been wrong. Now getting rejected ( by the ED, a pretty girl or the bank manager ) - that may make your liver bleed.
Key: Complain about this post
- 1
- 2
rejection bites
- 1: DJ Yassy Yas (May 8, 1999)
- 2: Researcher 34261 Con (May 8, 1999)
- 3: vegiman:-) (May 8, 1999)
- 4: Ganondorfl (May 9, 1999)
- 5: CTD (May 9, 1999)
- 6: BJ (May 9, 1999)
- 7: Aleut Steve - Researcher 30330 (May 9, 1999)
- 8: Slacker (May 9, 1999)
- 9: Solitaire (May 10, 1999)
- 10: Researcher 34261 Con (May 11, 1999)
- 11: S.R.A.H. (May 12, 1999)
- 12: S.R.A.H. (May 12, 1999)
- 13: bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran (May 14, 1999)
- 14: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 24, 1999)
- 15: S.R.A.H. (May 28, 1999)
- 16: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (May 30, 1999)
- 17: vegiman:-) (May 31, 1999)
- 18: (Insanie) Zanie Janie (Jun 19, 1999)
- 19: vegiman:-) (Jun 19, 1999)
- 20: S.R.A.H. (Jun 20, 1999)
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