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Child logic

Post 1


Have you ever marvelled at the simplicity and purity of childrens thinking?

As a young boy I was "astounded" to discover the amazing co-incidence that all of those people I knew as my Grandparents were - actually !! - my parents parents !!

Do any others out there have any similar experiences to share?smiley - laugh

Child logic

Post 2


I remember when I was walking though a park with my sister, she said that we will have to hurry up cos there was some big "teddy boys" comming,
I think I misunderstud cos I ran for all I was worth trying to get away from the big "teddy bears" smiley - silly

manda smiley - peacedove

Child logic

Post 3


That sounds quite scarey!!!

I suppose what I am on about is that young kids try to make sense of the world based on whatever knowledge they already have - sometimes this leads to very entertaining - yet fascinating - insights into how children view the world. Because we "know" how things "are" this can disturb our view of the world.

Sometimes children can be remarkably outspoken. I remember a youngster asking "Mum - why has that man got a funny head? ( I am quite bald) - much to her embarrasment - any my amusement....smiley - biggrin

Child logic

Post 4


Thats why I like the kids program "The rug rats"
they come out with so stupid thing, but I can understand whot they are thinking, cos we used to think the same when we were kids smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

Child logic

Post 5

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I still think the same way now sometimes..... Which is a bit worrying for me seeing as how I'm only a few years off being 30 smiley - blush

Child logic

Post 6

The Nerd Supreme

I remember the first time I discovered that there were people in the world who didn't go to a Catholic Church every Sunday. I had naturally assumed that churches and rosaries and grace before meals were things that everybody did, but in about kindergarten I went to stay at the house of a friend of mine because my parents needed to go out of state. His dad wore a bishop's hat, but wasn't a bishop, and they didn't say grace before dinner. I was shocked and amazed to hear that some people went to synagogues and not churches and didn't know the Hail Mary.

It was quite an epiphany for me.

Child logic

Post 7


I remember when I was a small child the song "The Last Unicorn" made me cry. I would wonder how God could be so mean as to let them die just for being late to the ark.

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