A Conversation for Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!

Suggestions please

Post 1


Hi everyone
Lifes looking a bit dark at the moment any suggestions ?

Suggestions please

Post 2


You can find lots of people to chat with at <./>Askh2g2</.> and <./>MiscChat</.>. smiley - ok

Cuppa smiley - tea help?

Suggestions please

Post 3


sounds good - i like Earl Grey with milk and two sugars

Suggestions please

Post 4


Of course! smiley - tea

I stopped by your space and was surprised to see you've been around for awhile! Most people around these parts are new users. I'm happy to see you liked us enough to come back occasionally smiley - ok.

Sounds like you had a bummer of a holiday (that doesn't really cover it, does it). My own experience was quite different from what you're going through, but I'm happy to chat if you like smiley - smiley.

What kinds of things do you like for distraction? There are lots of things to do around here!

Suggestions please

Post 5


I'm into lots of things and didn't want to jump into the single thing to sson - so thought this would get me 'out of myself' gently

I note from your info that your a Dave Matthews fan
A friend of mine is a big fan but I can't say I've really checked it out and I don't want to encourage her too much - she gets a little 'flushed' when he's mentioned !

I got the new U2 album which is great
I like the Theatre and Arts, into physics and that kind of tech stuff
Not really a girly girl but not bad for an old 'bird'
Just looking for some confirmation that there is life after divorce really
See you soon TES

Suggestions please

Post 6


Sorry, I've been away for a few days.

Dave Matthews is fantastic, but I assumed he hadn't gathered quite the same following across the pond. My tastes are varied, lately I've been listening to Jamie Cullum and Brian Setzer, but the last CD I got was Maroon 5.

There is, of course, life after divorce, but you have to make it for yourself. Friends are good to have, but similar to having a death in the family they're not always the best for advice and diversion, sometimes having misplaced their best intentions.

My divorce was completely different than yours, as mine was completely mutual and amicable. We have a son, and I made sure that his concerns came first - meaning that his welfare and his relationship with his father were more important than pursuing any vindictive urges I might have had. In truth, more than being upset by it, I was just glad it was over.

I went on vacation by myself for the first time ever. I took a train to Chicago - my first time on a train and my first time in Chicago - where I rented a car and drove to Detroit to visit a friend. I drove back to Chicago and met up with another friend that I drove back home with. I became a tourist in my own town and took my son to do things that I remembered doing with my parents when I was young, and got to revisit lots of places I hadn't been in years. And I bought (cheap) season tickets to our local symphony orchestra in an effor to do something specific in my post-marriage life (it was something my ex would never have thought of or been interested in) and found I really enjoyed it. I even talked my parents into getting season tickets a few years later.

I've since re-married. smiley - smiley

Suggestions please

Post 7


Oh, and I meant to leave you with some links to places in the Guide that might interest you. smiley - ok

There is a physics directory at C64
And directories for theatre C811 books and authors C812 and art and artists C813.

Hope to see you around soon!

Suggestions please

Post 8

Lord Wolfden - Howl with Pride

turn a light on

Suggestions please

Post 9


buy a torch..or just pay your electricity bill.
Perhaps you should spend more time with your eyes open.smiley - winkeye

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