This is me - Jan 2005

Well, here I am and looking to the future in 2005.
I'm female (of the human type) and 40+ Earth years old. Oh and getting dumped by my husband. It's a bit like the joke ... What do you want for XMas daring ? A divorce ! Oh, I wasn't thinking of spending that much ! (ha ha ha)
No, I'm not expecting him to be so generous, not after the gift he got me for my 40th birthday. I've got to defend the guy and I'm not ungrateful, it was an expensive mobile phone handset (top of the range Nokia), but hey the guy earns over 100K and I was hoping for something a bit more er- romantic. Something like a holiday (which I offered to pay for) or long lasting like a piece of jewellery or such. Well I got a new handset and I'm greatful honest but was disappointed too. (sub note-he's bought himself two new handsets since my birthday, one like mine and a Motorola) I guess he's been trying to hurt me for a while but who knows and I'm now sounding like an ungrateful b*tch so I should stop.
Anyway HE wants the divorce not me, so it isn't my fault if it costs and anyway he can afford a good solicitor, so no doubt he'll get good advice about how to pay out the least possible.
Well this isn't moving me on so ...What did I do for XMas and the New Year, well ...
For XMas I visited my sister, her husband and their two kids in France. She lives near Limoges and I flew in using Ryanair from Stanstead, London, UK. I had a great time with them and got more that a little tipsy on Boxing day with the local farmer, his wife and the kids. I hadn't used Ryanair before and I'm not sure I will again. The flights were fine but the staff in France were a bit 'snotty'. I was only 10 minutes late for check-in for the return flight and they wouldn't let me book-in. Why you may ask, where me and my timekeeping sister late? Well have you seen the film The Exorcist? We had not just one but two, yes two, projectile vomiting children in the car and that's as much of a clue to the lateness of our arrival as I'm prepared to give and I don't intend to say more. So we re-booked the flight for two days later and I returned to the UK, only then I couldn't get my connecting flight to Blackpool so I had to take the train to Leeds via Peterborough and then get a lift back to Leyland near Preston, Lancashire where I live. Are you still with me? Anyway back in the UK finally and just the New Year to sort out as a 'singleton' again. Well, I had lots of offers from family and friends and decided on the New Year with a couple of mates in the local pub. We had a great time and I staggared back to the house, just about able to walk (hubby stayed the night elsewhere). Oh did I mention I still have to live with him? Neither of us can afford to move out, or so he says but he's still offering me the odd act of procreation like he still thinks he can get it, but that's a whole other story . Well, no more with me sonny boy, not now that you're definite about this divorce.
Anyway I'm back at work and looking for a new direction for my life.
Now I've got to stop rambling ... or maybe that's an idea I don't mind a walk now and again :-?
Suggestions appreciated about what I should do next in my life, get in touch TES

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Welcome to h2g2, OK_TAL... Jul 13, 2004


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