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Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 1


I am fed up of having to clean up the messs made by OTHER peoples cats in my garden (I don't own one, neither should I have to to stop this problem, as someone would glibbly reply.) If others wish to keep pets, fine, but I have had enough of stepping in cat mess in my garden - does anyone know of an effective method of stopping cats entering the garden - I have heard of the plant called scaredy cat, does anyone have any info if it actually works??

Thank you all.smiley - sadfacesmiley - ermsmiley - wah

Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 2

Icy North

Hi radiantquoman!

There are plants which deter cats, and we've had moderate success since the wife planted a few in tubs and placed them at the points where cats enter/leave the garden. I'd try a few and see how they go.

Failing that, I've heard that there are sonic devices (like the Mosquito for repelling hoodies) but I don't have details. Someone mentioned them in this conversation: F9255173?thread=5149849 but they didn't reply to my question. If you're interested, you might try leaving a message on their Personal Space.

smiley - cheers Icy

Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 3

aka Bel - A87832164

Hi radiantquoman, and welcome to h2g2. smiley - smiley

I've linked this conversation to the <./>Askh2g2</.> forum, where you may get a few suggestions, see here:


I've left a welcome on your personal space, which will hopefully help you finding your way around the site.


smiley - somersault

Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 4

I'm not really here

The plant is an annual, so it would need replanting every year, if it works.

Some places suggest that if you live near a zoo (or have loads of cash you can buy it from the internet) you use lion's wee to put the cats off.

Other suggestions are plastic bottles filled with water around the garden, prikka strip on any fences or other surfaces.

I use a couple of dogs, but that only works when the dogs are in the garden (and not even then half of the time), I also use a super soaker to shoot them with, which they really don't like. Don't have it on full pressure though, or you'll hurt them, you just want something long distance and wet, and obviously that only works if you are in the garden yourself.

Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 5


if you are in search of a cat detterent then something i find never fails is oranges or orange peals (i use them i my house to keep my cats away from plants to which they love to munch) although it may be illogicle to place orange peels in your lawn, another solution to your dilema is to get yourself a child with a sling shot you can usually find a wide selection of children at grocerie stores (thats a joke i in no way condone child abduction or child labor)

Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 6


u said it rightsmiley - winkeye

Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 7


We got a sonic device as next doors rotweiler kept going in our garden as well as peoples cats but they don't work. Its a waste of money. The fence is fixed so we don't have next doors dog coming in - just the cats now

Cat deterrent in my garden

Post 8


I have always found that cats are wonderful judges of character and that peoples opinions of cats are a good measure of the person. May I suggest, that if you want to keep other peoples cats out of your garden, that you give a cat a home. Go to your local RSPCA and get the biggest, battle scarred tom cat you can find - that will probably keep other peoples cats out of your garden. Plus, I guess, you will have the reassuring knowledge that your cat will be doing its business in other peoples gardens.smiley - biggrin

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