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Terraforming Venus

Post 81


True, we could look like animals to them. why stop at animal aliens? could there be plant aliens? maybe a bit unrealistic but possible, ever heard of the triffids? smiley - tea

Terraforming Venus

Post 82


I think that there must be other intelligent life forms in the universe, we don't even know big it is.

As for parallel universes, I’m certain that they exist

Terraforming Venus

Post 83


I heard you could get to them through black holes. smiley - tea

Terraforming Venus

Post 84

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Unfortunately, that's not technologically possible for us (yet?)

Terraforming Venus

Post 85


On the contrary, the means of travelling through Black Holes with primitive Space Shuttles is possible. It doesn't matter what kind of spacecraft you use, but everything that starts must have an end, such as Black Holes. I used the theory in a couple of my sci-fi stories if you'd like to hear about them.

Corporal X
smiley - martiansmile

Terraforming Venus

Post 86

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yes, I would! AFAIK, you *could* take a shuttle into a black hole, but it wouldn't be in one piece for very long, and you'd never come out, because of time dilation - so it's not a useful means of travel.
My son did the best in his class in atomic theory in physics and wrote an article about time dilation for the school maths magazine, which he edited in 2002. (What a Nigel Knowit-all, huh?)

smiley - chocsmiley - cakesmiley - tea


Post 87


Well, my stories are on the FANFICTION page at www.geocities.com/bohweb (Scroll down to ANDREW NORRIS, some of the later stories are better than the first ones) My theory is that given the right amount of resistance against radiation omitted by Black Holes (EG: Lining spacecraft with several tough layers of exoskeleton) then it may just be possible to keep together in one piece providing the atoms aren't shaken out of balance by the "Spaghettification Theory". I believe that Black Holes could be a link to Paralell Universes, yet we don't know as yet as no-ones ever been down a Black Hole.

Whilst we're on the subject of spacecraft, would I might suggest the name "Titanic II" at this stage?

Corporal X
smiley - martiansmile


Post 88

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Titanic II - not really such a crash-hot idea, I think... smiley - laugh


Post 89


Crash-hot? smiley - erm

Corporal X
smiley - martianfrown


Post 90

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Crash-hot, is Australian for really, really good, and is usually applied to ideas... smiley - biggrin


Post 91


Oh, I see! Sorry, I'm not very up-to-date these days. smiley - laugh Titanic II was meant to collect gamma rays omitted from nearby stars by means of a special radiation filter concealed inside the "bow". The gamma rays were passed on into four large Particle Collision Chambers where the rays were bombarded onto plates of Rubidium. The massive power generated went to three places: The afterburners (For motion) Light and Heat Generators (Passengers) and a special protective blister of pure energy to enable passengers to walk on deck without being sucked into the vacuum of space. Any waste products from the Rubidium were ejected into space through the four funnels.

Of course, this is all how I believe it may work, what's your opinion?

Corporal X
smiley - martiansmile


Post 92

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

No, it sounds good to me, you've obviously planned it out. I was just saying that the name isn't a good idea, especially for the superstitious.


Post 93


I understand, but it was the best I could come up with on such short notice. I did plan to originally call it "The Great Northern" (As Brunel's previous ships were Great Western, Great Britain & Great Eastern) but I didn't think it sounded good enough. Besides, I'd originally used Titanic II in another Bucky O' Hare story (Check the link, again!) And I had to try and think of a well-known shipwreck that could be changed to a spaceship and have a slightly different storyline. I seriously doubt that NASA or anyone else would be interested in her though. For the moment, shall we just call her "Space Liner Alpha?" In any case, what's the chance of actually getting anywhere in the space-race unless people get politics out of the way?

Corporal X
smiley - martiansmile


Post 94

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

The only time when the space-race went anywhere fast was during the Cold War. If China was launching missions to Mars I'd think NASA would get a lot more funding.


Post 95

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Ah, so the reference to wrecks was deliberate! Silly me! No, it is a good idea then, and as for the space race having come to a grinding halt - I think Blackberry's right - the idea of rivalry is needed. (Or the Vulcans and Zefram Cochrane, as in Star Trek.) smiley - ufo


Post 96

Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque

sad isn't it but I think true, governments only interested when money, power or prestiege are at stake


Post 97

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Sad, yes, but true... especially, in this respect, prestige... As an example of how Americanised New Zealand is, I remember having to phone a radio station which had pronounced a winner for a competition a man who said Sally Ride, 1983, was the first woman in space. The producer of the programme had seemingly never heard of Valentina Tereschkova USSR, 1963. It is all the USA here!


Post 98


Going back to black holes, a black hole absorbs EVERYTHING nothing can escape, not even light. So, once through(and that's if you can make it through) how on earth would you communicate with Earth to tell them what's on the other side? Any suggestions?


Post 99

badger party tony party green party

You mean if we sent Della through a black hole.....smiley - evilgrin

Della you are such a hypocirte you moan on and on on threads where its not needed aboput cultural imperialism yet *YOU* willingly and stupidly (considering the way you say you feel about Yankee culture) buy and watch the stuff.

Linkin Park, Star trek, any old soap opera in space like Babylon five dressed up as sci-fi and your there supporting it by watching it and telling anyone who will listen how interesting it is.

<Still looking for the dunce smiley smiley - rainbow


Post 100

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blinky, man, you're losing it! Your sole contribution to this discussion has been random and pointless abuse of me. So, please, go and play on the motorway, there's a dear! smiley - laugh

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