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Screaming Bulldog...Can you help ?

Post 1


Hi Everybody,

Wonder if anyone has experienced this with one of their dogs.
I have a three year old bulldog. Very sweet and well behaved. The only thing is he gets out of control when he sees/hears other dogs. He screams (not barks...really screams) his eyes turn blood red and seems very agressive. I have tried everything , but nothing works... I can not take him out of the yard anymore, cause I am to scared we wil have an encounter with another dog. I had him castrated last year, but nothing changed. Does anyone know where this is coming from and what I can do ??? My dogtrainer is clueless and so am I.....

Thank you

Screaming Bulldog...Can you help ?

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Hello Nanouka and welcome to h2g2. smiley - smiley

I have left you a welcome message in your Personal Space, that will hopefully help you finding your way around the site. I'm sorry, but thi is not a good place for your question, I'd suggest that you go and post it in <./>Askh2g2</.>


smiley - somersault

Screaming Bulldog...Can you help ?

Post 3


This is behavioral. If you don't want to put him down you have to have the time and patience to desensitize him. You really need a professional to help with this as it's not safe to do if you're not properly trained - get a behaviorist, not a trainer, to help.

Screaming Bulldog...Can you help ?

Post 4


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Screaming Bulldog...Can you help ?

Post 5


smiley - erm Gesundheit?

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