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baking soda

Post 1


I have just read the article on the properties of baking soda. It all sounds very good, but I have not been able to buy baking soda at any of the stores in my area, including asda, tesco waitrose etc. I live near Romsey in Hampshire, can anybody help me with an address from which I can obtain this Baking Soda

baking soda

Post 2

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

You might be better putting this question in "ask" someone is more likely to see it there A148907

baking soda

Post 3


No baking soda? How odd... especially since it is used for so many things, including deodorizing a fridgie or freezer so things don't taste funky..

Here in the US the standard place to find it is on the bottom shelf near other baking items like baking powder, flour and sugar, usually in yellowish/orangeish boxes..

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