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exams arghhhhhhhh

Post 1


i am supposed to be revising for my exams that will start on 23rd of may, but i just cant seem to get round to doing it. Plus, there is another thing on my mind...EDDIE! he is two years older than me and i see him sometimes after school.i would really like to get to know him a bit better but i cant seem to talk to him. i only have 5 days left in school, so if anyone has some advise, it would be grately apprechiated! Thankyou
bye bye xxxx jessie xxx

exams arghhhhhhhh

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"The 23rd ! Go back at w**k, you need to study !

Oh and try to get the email address of that fancy boy smiley - biggrin, after the exams you will need to wind down a bit. Does he write for the school paper, work in the library, or some other activity that require to get in contact ? "

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