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Thoughts about lifestyles..

Post 1


hello!smiley - biggrin
im anna, i hope that you all can help me...
i making project about lifestyles(goth, punk, metalist, reper, industrial etc) and i really need your thoughts, experience and all what you can tell about this:
1)What is your style and why..(why you dress, live, do that)??
2)What was your first influence about goth, punks, metalist, reper, industrial style people?if they really are that?
3)if someone give you $100000 do you change your lifestyle..or if the money can change your real lifestyle??
4)how do you think, nationality effect lifestyle or not??why?

you can send your thoughts to my hotmail>>[email protected]
please add your age, style(goth, punk, ordinary style etc .), country and name(only name)
THANKS FOR ITsmiley - magic

Thoughts about lifestyles..

Post 2



Try asking this in <./>askh2g2</.> and you'll get far more responses.. you'll find this community is very open to helping with such projects as long as you follow the <./>HouseRules</.>.. smiley - erm especially the no spitting.. that one is quite serious..

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Thoughts about lifestyles..

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