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h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 1


i'm just curious what could be h2g2's best movie of all time. i'm new here and i believe a good way of finding out of what persuasion are the people here is to have an idea of what kind of movie they watch or see.

smiley - smiley

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 2


the Besy movie of all time has to be the great escape

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 3

John M

Oh-oh. A single best movie? Now that's really the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything.
What makes a movie best? What makes anything best? At best, aren't Bests short lived little creatures? I mean where's a Best when you're at your worst? Nowhere to be found, that's where.
Be careful here. You give a Best to much attention and it starts to swell up, too many people agree that your Best is The Best and BOOM! no more Bests.
Now that I've bested myself, what's my Best?
The Maltese Falcon with Bogart, Greenstreet et all. It's definitely one I can watch over and over - have watched over and over. What's yours?

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 4


Personally the best movie of all time is Brazil. It was a shining (filmic) light in the 80s - the only other beacon of course being a certain author's novels.

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 5

Soup Waiter

some hindi films are quite good, checkout Sholay, its old but classic smiley - cakesmiley - tea

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 6


yeah, what is the Best is subjective, that is, if ever there is a Best for a particular person. But having a Best or none at all, and in case of the former, what is, reveals more or less the values, principles, wants and dreams of that particular person, which is precisely why the question was asked in the first place.

Best wishes.smiley - smiley

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 7


The best movie of all time is The Secret of Roan Inish.

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 8


the best movie of all time is Highlander

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 9


I think The Lord of the rings is best, all three of them...
smiley - spidersmiley - pumpkin

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 10


it depends on what all movies u have watched ....and also depends on the taste and ur lifestyle and priorities..smiley - cake

I believe movies like Gone with the wind, God father , beautiful mind ansd few others can be enjoyed by most of us anytime..smiley - bubbly

did u all note one thing? when we think of the best movies we try not to think of any movies with too much of graphics and e-t stuff? any says? eh

h2g2's best movie of all time

Post 11


The best movie of all time..............has yet to come!smiley - biggrin

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