A Conversation for Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!


Post 1


I feel a little lost here. Don't quite know where to start. One place I do is on the subject of 1337 (Leet to those who don't speak it). I am going to attempt to compile a report on this language and would be intrested in any variations of 1337 5p34k (Leet Speak). Do you use 1337 or even (like me) speak it in everyday conversation? Anything would be handy.



(4nD 2 D4 1337 0n35. Bi9 up. 1375 in7r0 d4 n00b b4k4's)smiley - biggrin


Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Not something I am familiar with.

But the best place to ask would be a forum called <./>askh2g2</.>

Alot of researchers are subscribed to that page and someone may be able to help you smiley - ok

Meanwhile welcome to h2g2. I have left a welcome message on your personal space (just click 'my space' from the menu to return there.)

smiley - cheers


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