A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society
QI - Coat of arms
gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Posted Oct 8, 2010
Just had a google, seeing as it is over!!
I was right!
The Maidstone Coat of Arms DID have something in common with Preston.
Until 1949, Maidstone had no Crest or Supporters.....
Preston has neither to this day!!!
QI - Coat of arms
mikeyc0312 - Humans are mad. How else can you describe a creature that spends large amounts of time arguing with itself? Posted Oct 8, 2010
Time to wrap this up and announce the scores.
In first with +6 points is gandalfstwin
In second there are two people on +3 points: geggs and feisor
In fourth is myself with +2
Fifth goes to taff with 1
Last place this time is van-smeiter on -5
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QI - Coat of arms
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