A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

QI Society score board

Post 1


Help wanted

In order to get this correct can those who set the questions (that have not had point recorded) supply the following. I do not want to miss any due points

Points awarded and to who

Points lost and deducted

Your points claimed for setting the question

If you can in the interest of speed and accuracy please post the results of any future questions to my PS headed

QI RESULT (with the question title)

Thanks in advance
Bob...smiley - smiley

QI Society score board

Post 2


I've not set one for ages, so I'm probably ok. Plus I seem to remember being extensively interrogated about it when the scoreboard was set up.

QI Society score board

Post 3


I think I have one that hasn't been recorded:

F7180006?thread=4522404: When dandies attack!

3 points to Otto Fisch for his correct answer (first post, as well smiley - wah)

QI Society score board

Post 4


Hi laconian 3 points to Otto Fisch When dandies attack!
Any other points QI's .....

QI Society score board

Post 5


Well, I was going to klaxon you, Bob, but the answer you gave was a perfectly correct one, just not the one I had.

QI Society score board

Post 6


smiley - run that was close your score is entered including
QI ELF BONUS: +1smiley - smiley

QI Society score board

Post 7


I think I've a few points to win and lose and some QI elf ones too, not recorded as of yet - but no rush. I can't be bothered hunting them down right now smiley - yawn busy day.

QI Society score board

Post 8


When you are ready Matt smiley - smiley

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