A Conversation for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club
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jules100 Started conversation Oct 16, 2001
Just like to say i enjoyed reading your page.
ive been a spurs fan for 32yrs, all my life.
I think we mite actually finish higher than 10th this season.
still can't believe we lost campbell, but thats life.
its great to see sherringham back, shame we cant lose sicknote tho.
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dhalgren Posted Jan 10, 2002
Anderton was rubbish tonight when we got beaten by Chelsea....although we played well...missed teddy.
I have supported Spurs since 1961 when I saw them win the FA Cup on telly...mind you I was only eight.
I think Hoddle will bring the team back to a top six place but not this season...we haven't got the squad.
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