A Conversation for Baby Boomer's Club

School Days

Post 21

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

It occurs to me that re: dentists GA stands for General Anaesthesia.

Sleep Well!

School Days

Post 22


We used to have a teacher who would throw the board rubber over his shoulder when he'd finished chalking, to see who he could hit!!!!

School Days

Post 23


Just got wind of this site! Have a look, it might bring back "sweet" memories!


School Days

Post 24

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

We used to get, for an occasional treat, a little choc button covered with multi-coloured sugar beads - can't remember if they had a name. Served in little white paper cones.

Parents used to buy a toffee with achoc centre - the wrapper has a picture of a dairy maid.

School Days

Post 25


I remember the white paper cones. We would have a quarter of Dolly Mixtures to eat while watching the Sunday afternoon film on telly with Mum and Dad.

School Days

Post 26

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

The first TV I saw was at a neighbour who must have got it especially for the Coronation and every one went round. I don't think the picture was very good and I can't remember much. Unlike the Newsreel.

School Days

Post 27


Mum used to walk us op the street to Grandmas to watch Popeye. Innocent days!

School Days

Post 28

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

I seem to recall Popeye was better then. When we did eventually get a TV 1959ish Popeye was a firm favourite. Along with, a bit later, Pugwash.

School Days

Post 29


I remember Sooty & Sweep with Harry Corbet! aaahh!smiley - biggrin

School Days

Post 30

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

Moi aussi!

How about 'The Woodentops'?smiley - erm Spotty dog couldn't run and moved its legsrather oddly.

School Days

Post 31


The Woodentops were my favourite Watch With Mother. I even bought a Watch With Mother video a few years back !!

School Days

Post 32

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

More recently - Clangers, Magic Roundabout, Mr Ben (got the video), Pingu.

couldn't stand Fingermouse.

School Days

Post 33


Rag, Tag and Bobtail and Tales of (from?) the Riverbank used to be faves of mine. Do you remember those Barretts Sherbet Fountains (dip?) which came in a pale yellow tube with a piece of liquorice sticking out of the top of the tube? YUM!

School Days

Post 34


Do I remember them?? And how! After moving to France, I used to bring back boxes of them for my son,they're completely unknown here.He still likes them (he's 33!)

School Days

Post 35


Probably not particularly school related but from the same period, I've found a great radio station "Got Radio,Get music, Forever 50's" Hope you can find it, can't see the wave length.

School Days

Post 36


Hello Marnoult, no we can't get that station here in the Gulf but I have lots of music from that era anyway.
Back to schooldays and grub/tuck: Potato Puffs and Wagon Wheels were available at the school to have with your 1/3rd of a pint of milk with those foil tops which made great flying saucers if you flicked them properly between your 2nd and 3rd fingers.smiley - smiley

School Days

Post 37


So you were a foil top flicker, too? Were any made for little girlfriends? I was mortified when the primary school teacher asked to see my "jewelry", and my neighbour & "boyfriend" had to say he'd made it for me!smiley - loveblush

School Days

Post 38


sorry, "were any RINGS made"... should've said!

School Days

Post 39


We had our hands inspected before we could get lunch. If they weren't up to scratch, it was off to the bathroom to get them washed!

School Days

Post 40


We had a teacher who would inspect our ears to see if we'd washed them !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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