A Conversation for Marillion - the Band: post 1988
Anaraknophobia funding
The Psycho Chicken -- self respect intact Started conversation Aug 12, 2002
Sorry to be a pick, but for Anorak, Marillion apparently had several deals on the table to make a new LP. However, Marillion being old and unfashionable, and record companies being corporate scum, none were particularly favourable.
The pre-order thing was an idea to take the need for an advance away, thus putting Marillion more firmly into the driving seat negotiation-wise, and anabling them to get the marketing and distribution power of EMI back on side.
It also means that the band work for US - and frankly, if that's the standard of album we get, then I'll pay for the next 5 right now.
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Anaraknophobia funding
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