A Conversation for Mongolian Folktales

Well done!

Post 21


smiley - sadface I hope you don't feel too rotten Methos... a cold in this weather is no joke! I assume you have the heatwave over your way also? smiley - smiley

*shazz's brain tries to cope with geography and works out that Methos must be a little east/south east from where she is.*

Another tale would be brilliant for this week... you have certainly gathered an appreciative audience around you! smiley - biggrin

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 22

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Hi Shazz!

No, I don't feel too bad. I hope I can avoid a really bad cold by pampering myself a little, drinking hot tea...

It's pretty warm here. That's nice for a change after all that rain. Brr! smiley - smiley So if I live alittle south-east from you, you live where? - And don't say something like "north-west from you". I know that much. smiley - winkeye

So have fun!

Well done!

Post 23


Alphen aan den Rijn... in the middle of a triangle formed by Amsterdam, Den Haag and Rotterdam
smiley - smiley

Been here just over a year now. smiley - ok

Pampering is good! The temperature outside is rapidly approaching 30 degrees atm, although I seem to be a target for mosquito's and other nasty biting things (smiley - blue) so I haven't ventured out much!

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 24

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Well, how did you come to Alphen aan den Rijn? Never heard of it. but that doesn't mean much. My geographical knowledge is embarassingly limited, you know. smiley - smiley

Mosquitos - oh yes, they seem to love me, too. You know, one time I was in a garden cafe with some friends. The next day my whole body was covered with mosquito bites. Except my ride side. Obviously the friend who sat there kind of scared them away. And of course, he didn't have any bites!

Methos smiley - spider

Well done!

Post 25


Ahhh... you did ask! smiley - biggrin

The great romance of h2g2 actually! I met TowelMaster in here 2 years ago, we chatted here and on ICQ, met IRL and, well... we get married sometime soon! LOL smiley - rose

I know what you mean about the bugs... TM never seems bothered by them, but I spent most of last night trying not to scratch... and that is soooooo hard! For some reason they all swell up and become nasty bumps... I've tried everything, but still I suffer!

I have a map on the wall here... which part of Germany are you in?

I'm off for a break in a minute... grab some tea and watch some banale TV, maybe even risk the outside for a while... be back later
smiley - ok

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 26

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)


That's cool! Love finds a way... And congratulations! smiley - rose

My experience with bug bites is, that you must not start to scratch! If you do, you can't stop anymore. Anyway, I always say, all sorts of bugs should have been left out in evolution! Okay, the plants need them... What with little, flying mice then? smiley - winkeye

Oh, and I was born and raised in Berlin. And I live still here.

So have fun watching tv or going out there...

smiley - biggrin


Well done!

Post 27


Ahah... then you are a little north-east of me then smiley - smiley

I ended up watching tennis and justifying that by doing some ironing! smiley - angel

I know what you mean about not scratching them... maybe my self-control is not what it should be and sometimes I'm forgetful and scratch without thinking. smiley - yikes

shazz smiley - magic


Post 28

Nema Fakei

Greetings and Salutations.

Try getting into the habit of, every second or so, asking yourself exactly what you're doing; if you're scratching your bites, you'll stop. It's difficult to start, but eventually, you'll find it really useful. Other than that, I reccommend that you put ink on your fingernails so that in the end you stop scratching, as you have learnt subconsciously that you infuriate yourself because you've got black smudges on you whenever you scratch bites. Oh, and whatever you do, make sure horseflies don't get you *at all*.

Nema Fakei

Well done!

Post 29

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Isn't ironing the absolut perfect excuse to watch something which you could never justify watching otherwise? Like tennis or a really bad soap opera...

That reminds me that I should really do my laundry now... So, mabe 'til later then?! smiley - smiley


Well done!

Post 30


Hi there... and thanks for the advice! I'll maybe try something like that then! smiley - biggrin

Horse flies? arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Ok Methos... a good idea. smiley - ok

I'm off again in a mo to do some more... why do I always let it pile up eh? smiley - erm

'Til tomorrow then smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 31

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Horse flies? smiley - winkeye Hey, it took me some time to understand that one! smiley - biggrin

And don't talk about things like cloth to be ironed... piling up... I know all about that! I'm a master of letting things - all kind of things - pile up!

Okay, so see you tommorow!


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