A Conversation for Mongolian Folktales

I enjoyed this!

Post 1


I liked this entry but I thought that the tales themselves were stronger than the introductions and discussions. I think the content pretty much explains itself and I would rather see links to similar tales elsewhere or the names of similar tales which I could search for.

smiley - smiley

I enjoyed this!

Post 2

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Hi Kenno!

Sorry, that it took me so long to answer you but somehow I kinda overlooked the posting thing on the left side of my page...

And I'm glad that you liked the entry - or the tales. smiley - winkeye The stories should be the main thing in the entry but I felt that a little information about the tales couldn't hurt. I do plan an entry only with tales, though. And in the meantime - feel free to visit my homepage where you'll find more tales. The link is on my place.


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