A Conversation for Mongolian Folktales

Well done!

Post 1


Hi again smiley - smiley

Have just had a quick scan through this and it all looks basically very good smiley - smiley

There are one or two slips in general sentence construction and syntax, but overall it makes great reading smiley - smiley

With your permission I would love to feature this in The Post smiley - smiley
If you agree, I will edit it, add some GUIDEML (subheadings, indented paragraphs etc) to it and send it back for your approval before using it.
If you are happy to give this a go, please email me at [email protected] smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 2

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Thank you!!!!!

And of course ! I think it would be great if you featured it in The Post!!! What shall I say? It's my first guide entry - It'd be great if you do so!

A really truly hearty thank you

smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Well done!

Post 3


Ok then smiley - smiley

Just one thing though... although your piece appearing in The Post will put it into the 'searchable guide entries', the best way to actually have it accepted as a Guide Entry proper is to submit it to Peer Review and give others the chance to look through it smiley - smiley
This CAN be a little harrowing as there are some pretty strong critics out there (not always, just sometimes).
I will try to get it done for you tomorrow am so that you can see it before I put it in smiley - smiley
If you could just drop me an email saying something like "Hi, I'm Methos", that would be great smiley - ok
Anything else you need to know, please just ask smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 4

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

A hearty hi to you, shazz!

Okay, I wrote you an email.

But what is "Peer Review"????????????

Methos - and a very confused one, too

Well done!

Post 5


LOL! I can imagine smiley - smiley

To actually have an entry accepted into the 'Guide proper' (sorry, it's the only way I can think to describe it) your writing has to go through various stages.

Maybe you would be best to check out: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/Writing-Beginners
for an idea of the process.

Obviously your piece is 'on' the Guide and will stay forever on the page you have placed it on, but if you would like to take it one step further it has to be checked by other writers and researchers, picked by a 'Scout' and then passed on to a 'sub-editor' for its final tidying up process. smiley - erm

It must sound horribly daunting for you... don't worry though, there is plenty of help around the site smiley - smiley

The nice thing about having it in The Post is that it will be read by quite a few h2gers who may not see it otherwise, and you may also receive helpful comments, as well as praise! smiley - biggrin

I have your email and will explain further in my reply smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 6

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

I got your e-mails. And now I'm really excited... with my article on The Post.... Wow!

Just one more stupid question: Where is that "subscribe to this article"-thing you've talked - make that written - about?


Well done!

Post 7


Hi Methos smiley - smiley
It is now ready to go in The Post... you can find it at:
To 'subscribe', just click on the link underneath the 'Discuss this Entry' button at the bottom... it says:
"Click here to be notified of new Conversations about this entry" smiley - smiley

I hope you like it!

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 8

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

It looks great! Thanks again!!! And the yak is really cute!

And I finally got it with that subscripe-thing. So, I guess now I'll just have to wait what happens. Right?

Once again a hearty thank you!!!


Well done!

Post 9


Post should click over in about 3 1/2 hours... although it is sometimes late!

I just hope my connection holds up for me to get the Front Page done! smiley - biggrin

Thank YOU for letting me include it!

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 10

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

3 1/2 hour? Okay, so I know what I'll do first thing tomorrow morning...

And I really appreciate it that you're featuring my entry. Not only because I personally feel honoured - which I certainly do with me here all new ... - but also because most people know almost nothing about Mongolia. So while I'm here on the guide I'd like to change that a bit. smiley - smiley


Well done!

Post 11

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

The Peer Review is at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/PeerReview or something along those lines. This is aa great article, Methos, and I think it's time that you put it into Peer Review. And if by chance i am the one who ends up Sub-Editing it, then even better! The one thng is, however, that it will be pushed around a bit and it won't be exactly as you wrote it, but not much will change. It is, however, an honour to have an Edited Guide entry, and it would be a pleasure to edit it for the Guide, although the person who Sub-Edits it is chosen by computer...

Well done!

Post 12


smiley - biggrin

Thank you Whoami smiley - smiley

I hope that it passes muster in Peer Review... I 'think' that Methos and i ironed out any problems. smiley - ok

BTW... did you get my email about the link to a winkeye smiley Methos?

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 13


smiley - biggrin

Thank you Whoami smiley - smiley

I hope that it passes muster in Peer Review... I 'think' that Methos and i ironed out any problems. smiley - ok

BTW... did you get my email about the link to a winkeye smiley Methos?

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 14

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

A hearty hi to you two!!!

I'll put it into Peer Review then. Although first I'm going to take one last look. You know,...

And no, I didn't get that e-mail, Shazz. But maybe I just typed it wrong or something. When I have some time, I'll take a look at that Guideml thing...

Oh, and thanks again to both of you! You really helped me a lot here on h2g2!!!! smiley - biggrin


Well done!

Post 15


I've posted it again for you smiley - ok

You can find the smileys codes at:


shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 16

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Thank you!

Methos smiley - biggrin

Well done!

Post 17


Here... have some smiley - strawberries... you've earned them!

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 18

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Hey, are these strawberries? I love strawberries! Thank you! smiley - rose

Would you like to have a smiley - cupcake or a smiley - donut? With some smiley - coffee maybe?

smiley - winkeye Thanks again for that link!

Oh, and I have a question concering my Mongolian Folktales entry. I had another look and thought that maybe it would be better if there'd be a tale for each of the groups. You know, one legend, one fable... Or do you think, it's okay like it is? Just to get the taste for it or something like that...

Methos smiley - spider

Gee, thank you very much for that link!

Well done!

Post 19


Thinking about it, that is probably a very good idea. smiley - ok
As you specifically mention the four different types of tale, for the actual guide entry it would probably be wise to use an example of each yes smiley - smiley

Of course, I DO hope that you will still find time to type some more up for The Post also! smiley - biggrin

I'll have a smiley - coffee and a smiley - cupcake if I may smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - magic

Well done!

Post 20

Methos (one half of the HHH Management)

Hi Shazz!

Here is your smiley - cupcake. Do you want some sugar or milk with your smiley - coffee ? smiley - smiley

Okay then. I'll look out for examples for the different types. Won't be too difficult, I think.

And as a matter of fact I already started something new for The Post. Maybe I'll send it to you later today?! You know, I'm a little ill - catched a cold - so I have plenty of time...


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