This is the Message Centre for ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

hello world

Post 1

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Hello world, hello H2G2 and hello everyone else (planet Rupert for example (*see mostly harmless))

Well I don’t know where to post this, its either H2G2 or Blogspot so I’m going to put it on both. Especially H2G2 because I never seem to be on even though I waste most of my life on the Internet getting absolutely nothing done!

So what’s been happen to me, well err…
I got dunk, I know it’s not a clever thing to do but there you go, oh well, smiley - ale.
I had an exam on Systems analysis, it was a retake because last time I got Three or Four points (I cant remember its probably the slight hangover I’ve got left and the fact that I haven been to sleep all night, but I’m feeling surprisingly buoyant especially after the show I just had, even though I don’t like them, can’t get the hang off them, I much prefer baths not very environmentally friendly but I think there better all the same, a showers much like trying to get washed in the rain .) well where were we.. ah the exam, well I think I did well apart from question 2B (or not 2B that was the question).

Is that it?? Err…
Oh anyone want to email me? Probably be a better way of knowing what’s going on! (And it’ll keep me sane oh go on please smiley - grovel

hello world

Post 2


I wouldn't mind emailing you. There is um, one small technicality of smiley - erm I don't have your email address.

There is an email address on my page, and you are welcome to use it.
smiley - biggrin

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