This is the Message Centre for ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish
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ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish Started conversation Feb 27, 2003
before the second world war evryone was wareing top hats and sutes, spoke plitley and gernraly was over civilized.
After the war things started to liblize.
during the 60`s and 70`s socierty deteriated sex drugs and rock and roll reinged.
Then came the 80`s things setteled down a little, the berlin wall fell and a new age dawend.
In the 90`s the computerage took off, people started working longer hours for less money, vilonce was on the increase and we went into a new melenium.
what will the futcher hold?
History Over Time........
Evangeline Posted Mar 2, 2003
Oh, how I wish we could combine today's technology with the civility and morals of the bygone eras. I do hope that someday soon, somewhere it will occur to the people in charge that letting everything hang out(60s), airing all the dirty laundry(80s) and pushing everyone's buttons(90s) wasn't ever a good idea.
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