This is the Message Centre for ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Note of Absence (my meny exscuses for not being here)

Post 1

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Hello all! smiley - smiley
Im logged in, which is unuseal considering my five weeks absence. well why havent i been here? Hmmm, ok.....
a) I have been into hospital and couldnot do anything for a while ( not a real excuse I know but..)
Also this new collage course is verry full, giveing me all this homework to do, which is really like a massive snowdrift,
And thats the best i can come up with other than me going quiertly sane.
But thre is one really nagging Question.
What are those weird little eyes thatb apper next to my ( possably your) name in conversations? They really are spooking me out.

Oh and finaly...
a big hello to evryone who have been woundering were i am. I will try to get on a liitle (allright a lot) more from now on.
But For The Moment Goodbye.

(all spelling mistakes are my propety)

Note of Absence (my meny exscuses for not being here)

Post 2


Glad to see you are backsmiley - biggrin. Hope you feel better.smiley - hug

The eyes mean someone is currently online. Kind of bothered me while reading a conversation and no eyes were there(except mine)...clicked the next page and the other eyes were suddenly there because the other person had just logged in...smiley - weird

smiley - smiley

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