A Conversation for The Patio & Barbecue

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 1

Frankie Roberto

Does anyone know how to light this thing? Damn gas barbeques, what's wrong with charcoal?

Oh, and who's gonna be the chefkoch?

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 2


Well volunteered that man!! smiley - smiley

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 3


I think you have to press the button that says 'Do not press this button'. smiley - biggrin

I hope that helps!

I'm off for a pre-food snorter, once I have buttered my buns of course! smiley - laugh

shazz smiley - magic

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 4

Frankie Roberto

Nah not me, I can't cook to save my life.

What's that hissing sound?...

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 5


Sorry that was me, hissing at the jokes. Anyhoo, may I suggest some lighter fluid, it makes a fine old whoosh as it goes off.

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 6

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

/* Stands well back */
smiley - dog

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 7

Frankie Roberto

Okay it's lit. Now where's the meat?

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 8


...and where are the onions and peppers?

... and the salad...

Come on Abi! A BBQ is no fun without food! smiley - laugh

shazz smiley - magic

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 9

Frankie Roberto

I saw a big cradboard box lying around somewhere. Maybe that has the food in it....

*goes off to look*

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 10

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

*gets a great idea*
Hang on folks - be back in a minute

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 11


*comes in carrying lots and lots of food*

Here is the meat! I have put the salads, breads and stuff on the table over there!

Is it hot enough yet I don't want half of the Community to get virtual food poisoning! smiley - winkeye

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 12

St.Trin 5!/5 + 2 + 7 + 9 = 42

Hi! .can I help with the preparations?

Can we drain the pool, and then fill it with smiley - ale ?!?!

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 13

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

I'm Back!! Well - only 50% back the rest is front smiley - biggrin

Look what I've got!! I got the Majik Food Machine from the Procrastinators Society to clone itself into this portable version. It should be able to supply whatever we need - we just have to make sure it goes back there afterwards.

What do you think? smiley - biggrin

*whispers into Portable MFM which starts producing sausages, steaks, salmon, chops, kebabs, vegies etc *

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 14


*Wondering if he misspelt hissing smiley - erm*
Anyhoo, I'll have a bambi burger please. I obviously need some food to soak up the beer and allow me to type more carefully smiley - winkeye

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 15

Chris Tonks

Heya people, thought I'd bring a few snacks from my counterpart's home (see my name to fully understand that rabmle - I'm just a clone of the real Professor).
I've got various assortments of crisps, twizler-type things in various sweet flavours (as opposed to savoury flavours you get nowadays), and... erm...

*Roots around in his pockets, but can't find what he's after...*

Anyway, enough of that, I'm ready to get drunk and larger than normal. smiley - winkeye
Those GCSEs really take it out of you!

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 16


Food! smiley - bigeyes
What are we having?
Where's the plates and cuttlery? Never mind, I'll use a napkin! smiley - biggrin

*It's at times like these the Personal Duplicator that the Prof gave me comes in handy!*

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 17

Chris Tonks

Oh yeah, how's that coming along, BTW? I'm guessing it's used mostly at parties. smiley - winkeye

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 18


Oh, it's great! I haven't used it so much because I thought the battery had run out or something, but now I've found this recharge button
After I pressed it the light on the side there stopped blinking so I guess it's ok. smiley - smiley
*Shows the Prof a small metallic device that looks like an advansed egg-timer.*

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 19

Frankie Roberto

Erm... I think we can start putting the food on now.

What does everybody want?

I'll have a nice juicy smiley - burger, half raw with red juice running from it, burnt on the outside and with piles of salad.

How do we get this damn thing lit?

Post 20


I think I'll just stick to crispy fried onions and salad for now! smiley - biggrin

smiley - yikes Where's the mayonnaise??? I can't eat salad without mayonnaise! smiley - yikes

shazz smiley - magic

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