A Conversation for My poem

Your poetry

Post 1

Researcher Marj

I have written this before but can't see it anywhere so am repeating that I was pleasantly surprised, your poetry was better than I thought so you can preen before a mirror. Now you ought to read mine I won't put any more on here, as only one person read one of mine. Cheers marj

Your poetry

Post 2

Lord Preston

try submitting your poetry to the writting workshop or what eva it is, they are helpful most of the time. and thanks for the support. i have reaad ur poems and i liked them, but as i seem 2 remember 1 was a little 2 long 4 my personal prefrence.
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

Your poetry

Post 3

Researcher Marj

Thanks Lord Preston I am very busy at the moment my new printer doesn't seem in sync with my computer I can't seem to save any documents, and I have to get a new server tomorrow as mine is closing so think of all I will have to give a new e.mail to. so will be away for a while, I am trying to write a drama script for the BBC but with my computer playing up and me deciding to change my story halfway through and then this printer trouble, wow am I fed up. Have you ever tried to write a script for television, it aint easy, what with all the directives and seperations, still I am going to persevere but one will be enough, especially as it will be rejected anyway. Cheers Marj

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