A Conversation for My poem

Lord Preston's Poetry

Post 1

Researcher Marj

Well I was surprised when I finally found it. Quite good really just one mistake anew is all one word, Have you entered it anywhere on the Internet. I suppose I am not allowed to recommend a site but there is one in America who would publish things, can't say more they won't let me. Cheers Marj. Now I have read yours have you read mine ?

Lord Preston's Poetry

Post 2

Lord Preston

ty, no i haven't published it ne where yet.
have you got poetry 2? gimmie a link and i will read it.
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

Lord Preston's Poetry

Post 3

Researcher Marj

I have written poetry on here, it is in 'my space' I don't know how you get there. I write poetry most days. I send mine to America am I allowed to give you the address where you could put yours. They do give prizes. Most I have won is a mouse pad for a Haiku, I did speak to a woman who lived near me and she had won $25 U.S.so I guess they do pay out. They do try and sell things but will put as much poetry on the internet as you like to send.It always remains yours unless you get paid. Not for money though only run that each 3 months but they do do a daily short poem made up with words they give you for $100 U.S if you win. For the Haiku you only get a mouse pad. They used to be in Australia as well but do it all from America now. So if you can be told and want to know their address let me know how I can tell you. Cheers marj

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