A Conversation for Playground Games

Mrs Macaroni?

Post 1

Researcher 175198

This is kind of a girly one, and I don't know if it was narrowly regional, but it's one I'll always remember. More a singing thing than a game, but still;

The people playing it would form a circle holding hands. One person would stand in the middle of the circle whilst the others would go round singing:

"Here comes Mrs Macaroni,
Riding on a big fat pony,
Here she comes with all her jewels on,
Mrs Macaroni."

Then the person in the middle would choose someone from the circle, cross-link hands with them, and the two would spin round whilst the outer circle would sing:

"Rum tum, Suzi-anna,
Rum tum, Suzi-anna,
Rum tum, Suzi-anna,
Mrs Macaroni."

Then the person who had been chosen stayed in the middle whilst the original person joined the circle...and the whole thing started again.

Bizarre I know, but we played it in the primary school playground many times. Anyone remember anything like that?

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