A Conversation for Walsall

Very harsh.

Post 1


It's very, very harsh. Walsall is nowhere near as bad as that. The comments about people being ugly/fat/annoying is just plain childish. Hardly a constructive piece of writing is it??


Post 2

Researcher 216786

logged into this site today for the first time what an insult to walsall, apart from the overcrowding and naff one way system it is famous
for its leather industry worldwide has one of the best markets around and the arboretum famous countrywide for the illuminations held every year! a whole variety of pubs and clubs, the art gallery, oh and of course the famous sister dora, walsall f.c aptly nicknamed the saddlers what more can i say !!!!

Very harsh.

Post 3


Harsh - but true. I've lived here for about 5 years total (on and off, interspersed with stays in Sheffield) over the last 10 years and it's PANTS!

Very harsh.

Post 4


ooh dearie me! If I've offended anyone, apologies, but I honestly don't think it's childish to poke fun at one's hometown. As I said, the gallery is EXCELLENT, and there are other redeeming features, but it is pretty crap (although not as bad as Bilston, that's a whole other story!). If you want more comedy stuff about Walsall, try www.walsallwonderland.co.uk - bloody funny, and great links to a pork scratching company!

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