A Conversation for Walsall


Post 1

Tommy t

i`ve been to walsall a few times and thought the pubs were ok was in the sports bar for a few beers didnt go about the place much tho


Post 2


you're probably quite lucky! There is quite a good social scene in terms of plenty of places to get very very drunk, but that's about it. I presume you aren't a Walsall native - I have had friends come and visit who have had a VERY tough time due to accent, clothes taste, gender preferences, etc - how did you find going out there? Any problems? I hope not, but I'm just interested to see how other people react to my place of birth and personal bete noir!

blessed be,



Post 3

Tommy t

i`m fae scotland g/friends fae walsall i never got ne problems in walsall ppl were ok wie my accent went to a few pubs in town center and just outside town and bar staff and other customers were ok u ever been to scotland.


Post 4


I spent a family holiday in Achaphubuil (think that's how it was spelt!) just across the loch from Fort William. Did the usuals, Glencoe, Nevis, etc. Beautiful part of the world, and the Scots are probably the friendliest people I've met, either on home turf or "abroad" - I went to Uni with a guy from Edinburgh who couldn't understand my accent and I couldn't understand his until after about 5 pints, then we both made perfect sense, but he was an absolute sweetheart despite tattoos coming out of every orifice, including one of the sun on his nob (not that I really looked, he just had a habit of showing it off. It did, however, spawn the great chat-up line "wannae come back tae my place an' see the sun rise" - apologies for the accent - which actually fuckin' WORKED on a number of impressionable ladies! His name is Gary - pure class to the end). Good to hear you had no worries in Walsall, must just be a localised problem in certain places! Or maybe it's my haircut! Anyway, if you want a real laugh, plus actually quite useful hints and tips, check out www.walsallwonderland.co.uk (I think...). Great post-pub kebab guide!


Post 5

Tommy t

hello again don`t know when i`ll be in walsall again `so did u see the sun rise`..lol...hope it`s soon tho..

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