This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant
Stories using palindromes
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Sep 3, 2020
A palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same backwards or forwards.
here's a story using them:
Ava was a ewe. Her boyfriend, Otto, was a ram. Sometimes she was chased by Ubu, the farm's dog. Ada, the hen, would sing a clucking song to her.
Stories using palindromes
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 4, 2020
Anna was quite a madam whenever she was using her dad's garden Rotavator. Her mam told her that dad will be needing it to give it Elle. Elle will be giving your dad a lemon but no melon, who will be reciting "Bob and Bub wear a bib as they shout hah, heh, huh to Abba and Amma." Then your Dad and Elle will peep at Otto in his kayak.
Stories using palindromes
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Sep 4, 2020
I took my kayak out on the Oxoboxo River. It was a deed worth doing, and Ava cheered me from the bank.
Stories using palindromes
Reality Manipulator Posted Sep 6, 2020
I did my civic duty when I built an tallat to hide my anana and hallah underneath the sedes.
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Stories using palindromes
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