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At Burnsbridge College, the first ever black student has enrolled (a dream)

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I guess my dreams are tending to occur in the past. How many colleges these days have no African American students? probably none.

In my dream, it was probably the 1960s, and Burnsbridge College (not a real place) was full of young women, many of them blonde, all of them bubbly, without a care in the world. The world was their oyster, they knew what to expect from life -- and then someone plops a young black woman in their midst, with a sock to the status quo.

I had no particular role in the college (neither teacher nor a student), but I cared about what happened to the new student. I don't know if she was brighter than the rest, but the stakes were high for her. At the final exams, she worked very hard in order to pass.

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At Burnsbridge College, the first ever black student has enrolled (a dream)

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