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The Squirrels of Marduk, Nutshell 26
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Nov 26, 2016
"Everybody cross your fingers," I told everyone as Bambi was unceremoniously ejected from Marduk less than a minute after she arrived there. "This might all have been for naught, in which case we can kiss goodbye to any chance of seeing the Mardukians again.
"I could take the time machine back to next September again," Peregrine offered. "To see if the future has changed."
I noticed that Spot the Wonder Dog was fingering his remote. This meant that he was about to leave on another round of interstellar diplomatic work. Maybe he was headed for Marduk this time, or maybe not. It seemed pointless to give him any instructions beyond what he had just seen and heard. I did not know it at the time, but my optimism was about to be severely tested.
The next few days were busy for Bambi, since she had her own work to do, plus that of thinking of ways to explain to her squirrels how important it was to learn new duties. Cutie Pie would also be busy, as she was the most reliable squirrel in the lab, as well as the acknowledged leader from whom the other squirrels learned.
I was bursting to know what the Mardukians were going to do to Spot, given his knowledge of the digital invasion we had just inflicted on Mardukian Internet space. Unless Marduk was substantially more understanding than Earth, there was no guarantee that Diplomats would enjoy immunity when it was suspected that they were spying. Spot was no squirrel, but he had been treated leniently when he wanted to bring squirrels into Marduk. That might all stop now. Worse, Spot's itinerary as a diplomat might no longer include Marduk.
Days went by, with no sign of Spot' Either he had a lot on his plate, or something bad had happened to him.....................
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The Squirrels of Marduk, Nutshell 26
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