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The Squirrels of Marduk, Nutshell 24
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Started conversation Nov 24, 2016
"It's time to face those awful squirrels," I told the others as we walked away from Wand and Potion's campus. As if drawn by mention of their names, a dozen squirrels crawled to the edge of the lawn, staring at us with no sign of fear in their eyes.
"Or not," Faun said fearfully, hurrying away from the animals.
"Why don't the rest of you go back to the car?" Peregrine suggested. "I have an idea I'd like Paul to hear about."
"An idea that you can't share with the others?" I said in surprise.
"I'd like to take my time machine back to next September, and this time I'd like you to come, too," he said softly. "If there are just two of us, we can escape being noticed by
the powers that be. Plus, maybe we can put our minds together on this."
I couldn't think of any really pressing engagements that would let me beg off of his proposal -- raking the yard could wait, and I didn't exactly have a busy social life. Still, the trip to Peregrine's house to get the time machine might be a hassle.
"I know what you're thinking, Paul," Peregrine said with a grin as the time machine suddenly materialized on the lawn. "Sibyl already knows what I want to do, so she used a spell and brought us what we need."
What the two of us saw in the future was little short of miraculous: Mardukian leaders promising advanced methods for fostering world pace at the U.N., Mardukian scientists bringing technology to reverse global warming, and a tide of good feeling that made me think our two planets would be working together closely for a good long time to come.
What gave me some pause, though, was the sight of Cutie Pie being crowned Queen of the Squirrels and ordering them to be part of the big plan for cooperation....
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The Squirrels of Marduk, Nutshell 24
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