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NaJoPoMa, Around the world in 30 ways, Day 7

Post 1

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I stood on the deck of the ferry as England receded from view. I peered into the distance, hoping for the first glimpse of the coast of France.

I was interrupted when Scribbles appeared with a dark-haired young man in an Italian designer suit. "This is my uncle, Pelerin Longchamps," he told the man, and then said, "Uncle Pell, this is Riccardo Di Formaggio, your guide for the journey to Paris and beyond. He's an accomplished hot-air balloon racer, tour guide, and linguist."

"Glad to meet you, Riccardo," I said, shaking his hand. "Looks like we'll have some time in Calais. What sights do you recommend."

"Anything to do with food," Riccardo said with a grin, "especially cheese and wine. Le Chateau du Fromage et des Vins has just gotten some first-rate brie from l'Isle de France, and I was hoping to bring you and Monsieur Scribbles there to enjoy one of life's supreme experiences."

"Cheese and wine, really?" I exclaimed. "I don't drink wine at all, and I know cheese mostly from macaroni and cheese."

My two companions looked horrified. "Are you *sure* M. Longchamps is French?" I heard Riccardo whisper to Scribbles, who shrugged.

"Well, I speak French," I said lamely, "though I learned it in school. My family hasn't spoken the language in generations."

"We will have to educate you, then," Riccardo said with a knowing smile.

I must admit that the brie lived up to its advance billing, though it turned out to be just the beginning, as Riccardo made sure I sampled local cheeses -- Maroilles, Vieux Gris, Boulette d’Avesnes, etc. -- washed down with fine wines, though none were local. Come to think of it, a normal meal never did become part of the evening's agenda.

Finally, tipsy and barely able to keep my eyes open, I prevailed upon Riccardo to get me to my hotel room. "Well done, M. Longchamps," he told me with a wink. "I knew you had it in you."

"I certainly have it in me now," I muttered, "but do they serve anything besides cheese in this town?"

"You have no idea. Bon soir!"

NaJoPoMa, Around the world in 30 ways, Day 7

Post 2

Reality Manipulator

Not so found of wine but I would love sampling all the different types of cheeses smiley - cheesesmiley - cheese.smiley - drool

NaJoPoMa, Around the world in 30 ways, Day 7

Post 3

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

[Amy P]

NaJoPoMa, Around the world in 30 ways, Day 7

Post 4

You can call me TC

Ah! I wondered when the hot air balloons would appear.

NaJoPoMa, Around the world in 30 ways, Day 7

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I love tasting cheese, too. I once went to a special tasting of Italian cheeses. Riccardo lives up to the the line in "The sword, the rose and the cape" to the effect that "now the male Italian just gets passionate for cheese."

[there's too much dialogue at first, but once they start singing, it's magical!]

NaJoPoMa, Around the world in 30 ways, Day 7

Post 6

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

TC, I am researching things a day or two in advance, and having to tweak things as logistical problems arise. As you will see in tomorrow's journal, Lille has ballooning facilities, and Paris does as well, but I wasn't able to find evidence that you can go up in Lille, float to Paris, and land. Either your balloon is tethered to the ground the whole time, or you drift wherever the wind takes you.

I know that the film "Around the world in 80 Days" has Fogg and Passepartout floating above the French countryside. People assume that that was in the book. Well, Verne did mention it in passing, but the characters didn't actually follow through....

NaJoPoMa, Around the world in 30 ways, Day 7

Post 7

Reality Manipulator

I remember in the 70's there was the cartoon version of the story, produced in Australia.

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