A Conversation for HVS Front Page (Revisited)

What Forum that Says 'Join'?

Post 1

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular


I'm new. I'm Arpeggio. I'm confused.

I was also raised vegetarian by a Brahmin Hindu mother, and although I've managed to get rid of most of her unattractive qualities in myself, have found vegetarianism to be not only attractive, but also simply not subject to discussion.

For ovo-lactos, I recently completed (and the Guide recently recommended) a recipe for cheesecake ice cream. Personally, and largely for genetic rather than preferences of taste or religion, I've become a by-default vegan.

Soy-queen of the US West... heigh-ho. smiley - erm It is certainly easier to live on Uncle Sam's meagre dole as a veg than as a carn. I'm on Uncle's dole only because I happened to live in the US when the world collapsed, and that was the dole what caught me.... smiley - blue

So, like, what can I do around here? I am not a proselytising vegetarian, because I do things like *smoke*, and get really weary of Assault-Anti-Smokers. I am just a basically, before-it-gets-to-the-cognitive-level, non animal-person eating type advanced primate.

I'd love to put a link to this (or whatever) site on my 'space'. Can someone tell me how/what to do?

Thank you (and yeah, that 'meet the meat bit was a just a touch smiley - ill),

Arpeggio for LeKZ

What Forum that Says 'Join'?

Post 2


Hi again Arpeggio.smiley - smiley

The forum that said 'join' was on the original front page of the society (ie http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/U144422 ) but I moved the original page here whilst I re-arranged the HVS 'space'. Anyway, signing your life away here is just fine... erm, I mean applying to join... no really, there's no need to read the small print...smiley - devil

Consider yourself a member.smiley - biggrin

Perhaps we could add your cheesecake ice cream recipe to our list of links in the HVS restaurant.

Speaking of links, just add the following to your page to get a nice little text link (we used to have some lovely logos, courtesy of Amy the Ant, until the BBC hijacked all the graphicssmiley - sadface):

H2G2 Vegetarian Society

It's as simple as that.smiley - winkeye


What Forum that Says 'Join'?

Post 3

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Okay, I'll link. Okay, I'm joined. Yes, of course, any recipe we post can be used by the Veg Recipe People. We don't, much, because cooking by recipe doesn't come naturally to us heathen. smiley - winkeye

So what's this about signing my life away...? I think I did that when I first bumbled into this place, 2 weeks ago... smiley - ghost of my former already more than slightly metaphorical self...

Thank you!

Arpeggio for the unanimously vegetarian, mostly vegan, often anorexic, smoking, lyric soprano-singing, low-down dirty-dog blues growling, asthmatic, ever more exhausted expanding universe of LeKZ

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