This is the Message Centre for paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant
Hi Paulh
vegiman:-) Started conversation Oct 1, 2012
Just popped in to say Hi.
Love your sense of humour on your page and thanks for your guess at the riddle.
I can see where you were coming from, sadly it was wrong.
Great to see you are still around
all the best
Hi Paulh
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 1, 2012
Thanks, Vegiman. I'm stumped by the riddle, so I've dropped out of the conversation. Maybe I'll wonder about it the next time I'm on an airplane that crosses the International Dateline.
Hi Paulh
vegiman:-) Posted Oct 1, 2012
That's the thing about riddles, if they were easy, they wouldn't be a riddle. do pop back sonn, there are more and more clues as we go along.
Don't care how . Sometimes
answers get closer to the answer than serious ones
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Hi Paulh
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