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The Boston Sofa
RiffRaff Posted Aug 7, 1999
Last I heard, it doesn't exist. It was a concept that DNA was working on for a while, and then he got involved with other stuff.
The Boston Sofa
Amanda Posted Aug 7, 1999
"Frag-ee-lay. It must be Italian."
Good thing you cleared that stuff out, Krissy - we have visitors!!
*Runs around in circles trying to clean up the badger/Dorito/Koolaid mess so that our new friends don't think we're a bunch of filthy heathens, decides against it and dumps everything back into the carpet, strings leis of popcorn around our guest's necks and helpfully proffers them packets of wheat germ. Flops back onto the bean-bag chair*
So, you guys wanna watch "A Christmas Story" or what? I'm in the mood for some strange reason... I can't put my arms down! heehee.
The Boston Sofa
beetle, return of Posted Aug 7, 1999
for the Salmon seekers read:
Hey ho. You guys have been busy whilst i was away. *scurries to look for Corvette Summer* How about Dr. Strangelove?
I triple dog dare you.
The Boston Sofa
NeverBob Posted Aug 7, 1999
I just spoke with the Dr., and he's not coming. Apparently he is quite upset with this room's clear lack of a wheelchair access, and doesn't want to dirty his wheels upon the carpet.
Anyone for "Princess Bride"?
The Boston Sofa
Amanda Posted Aug 8, 1999
"Anyone for 'Princess Bride'"? *startled flustered strangled choking gigglesob* I'm sorry, but did you say..."Anyone...for 'Princess Bride'"?!?!?
...Why yes, thank you. And I promise b and I won't get all pedantic about the quotes. ("I do not think it means what you think it means.")
Hee hee!
Ahhh, yeah you're going to fit in great here.
Ok, so it's "Strangelove" (or "Clockwork Orange" if that doesn't put everyone off their Koolwhip), "Corvette Summer" (we threw it out - look in the trash bin), "Christmas Story" and "Princess Bride". Simultaneously. Did anyone bring an extra VCR? Or avocado dip?
The Boston Sofa
beetle, return of Posted Aug 8, 1999
"I'll call the brut squad"
"I'm on the brut squad."
"You are the brut squad."
Start it up.
The Boston Sofa
NeverBob Posted Aug 8, 1999
*sniff sniff* I believe someone has laced this dip with Iocane powder. Fortunately I've spent the last few years building up a resistance to the stuff...
The Boston Sofa
Amanda Posted Aug 9, 1999
*giggling with childish delight*
"Life is pain, highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
The Boston Sofa
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 9, 1999
"Don't pester him. He's had a hard day."
"'Liar! LIAR!'
'Shutup wich!'
'I'm not a wich, I'm your wife, but after what you just said I'm not sure I want to be that anymore!'"
"Give me the gate key.
I have no gate key.
Fessik, break his arms.
Oh you mean this gate key."
The Boston Sofa
Sir Muckford K. Wyrmbath ~ Researcher 52876 Posted Aug 9, 1999
"It's possible, pig. I could be bluffing. It's conceivable, you miserable vomitous mass, that the only reason I'm lying here is because I
lack the strength to stand. Then again... maybe I have the strength after all. DROP -- YOUR -- SWORD!"
The Boston Sofa
beetle, return of Posted Aug 9, 1999
*dreamy sigh*
So when is someone going to start the tape?
The Boston Sofa
RiffRaff Posted Aug 10, 1999
Er, I can't find it. We've got 'Life of Brian', 'Sifl & Olly', 'Akira', 'Rocky Horror'...
The Boston Sofa
Amanda Posted Aug 10, 1999
*laughter reaching hysterical levels* Oh dear lord, someone one help me off this bean-bag chair so I can Time Warp. Again.
"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...god said, "Let there be lips". And there were. And they...were...good!"
The Boston Sofa
CrazyOne Posted Aug 10, 1999
I reckon we might even have enough people that Rocky Horror on video would make sense. Still a bit of a sacrilege, though. Needs a good audience partici... pation.
The Boston Sofa
Spartus Posted Aug 10, 1999
What I want to know is this: Is an unoccupied beanbag chair still a chair, or just a giant beanbag?
The Boston Sofa
Jonny Posted Aug 10, 1999
Good question. Um, in the meantime here's a great joke I heard the other day:
"Water melon! Sprocket! Ho ho ho!"
Does that help?
The Boston Sofa
Classic Krissy Posted Aug 10, 1999
Not as good as the one that goes: Cat, Drink, Boofoo. Mistake! Mistake! Mistake!
HHHAAA HAAHA AHAHAHHAAA! *wiping a tear* That one always gets me.
The Boston Sofa
Jonny Posted Aug 10, 1999
That's not funny, that's just sick! I'm surprised at you Krissy.
Key: Complain about this post
The Boston Sofa
- 41: RiffRaff (Aug 7, 1999)
- 42: Amanda (Aug 7, 1999)
- 43: beetle, return of (Aug 7, 1999)
- 44: NeverBob (Aug 7, 1999)
- 45: Amanda (Aug 8, 1999)
- 46: beetle, return of (Aug 8, 1999)
- 47: NeverBob (Aug 8, 1999)
- 48: Amanda (Aug 9, 1999)
- 49: Classic Krissy (Aug 9, 1999)
- 50: NeverBob (Aug 9, 1999)
- 51: Sir Muckford K. Wyrmbath ~ Researcher 52876 (Aug 9, 1999)
- 52: beetle, return of (Aug 9, 1999)
- 53: RiffRaff (Aug 10, 1999)
- 54: Amanda (Aug 10, 1999)
- 55: CrazyOne (Aug 10, 1999)
- 56: Spartus (Aug 10, 1999)
- 57: Jonny (Aug 10, 1999)
- 58: Classic Krissy (Aug 10, 1999)
- 59: Jonny (Aug 10, 1999)
- 60: Classic Krissy (Aug 10, 1999)
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