A Conversation for Talking Point: Your Favourite Hitchhiker's Moment

Fave stuff of h2g2

Post 1


Fave moments-

The black ship with the black control panel with the black buttons that light up a little black light when you press them.

Marvin ( take your pic of any Marvin Moment, perhaps when he helps rescue Ford and Arthur from the shoe salesman )

Whales and Petunias

The entire last episode of the radio series.

Fave Quotes
(Mostly paraphrasing here as my copy of the guide is buried for a move)

"Looks like a fish, drives like a fish... Steers like a cow"
-Ford Prefect

The whole basement file cabinet in a basement locked in a disused lavatory marked beware of the leopard, rant by Arthur to the bypass builders.

"Life!... Don't talk to me about life!" Marvin

" Heez juzt thees guy, you know " Zaphods analyst

Fave Characters
Marvin, hands down.
The whale.
Deep Thought.

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