A Conversation for St Louis Cardinals - Baseball Team

Update Forum: A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 1


Entry: The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team - A22455984
Author: broelan - destitute - U155058

I don't know if this is a big enough update for the UF or not, but it seemed like it would have been an awfully long list for EF. So here it is.

The bulk of everything through the 1990s subheader is intact, but I've added about a dozen links, made subtle changes to some wordings and updated records that have changed since this was first written.

I've added another subheader for 2000s with three new paragraphs, then changed a bit of the closing paragraph as well.

My biggest concern is that I didn't make any obvious grammatical errors.

If this doesn't belong here, just give me the boot and I'll take it off to EF smiley - ok

smiley - ta

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 2


Just occurred to me you'd probably like to see the original. smiley - doh


A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 3


Well I think there's too much work just for a Curator, and you've done so much as to earn yourself merit for contributing to the article, so I'd say keep it here. smiley - smiley

Looks great what you've done, I'm not a baseball fan in any way shape or form, so can't comment on content really, sorry.

Just wonder if it's worthwhile putting the subsections such as World Series winner in bold text, just to highlight it from the text, as I assume those wins are rather important smiley - winkeye

Nice update smiley - ok

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 4


Thanks, Matt!

I couldn't decide whether or not I thought the championships should be in bold, so in the end I went through and changed them to see what it looks like. Looks okay to me, see what you think.

It would be nice if Jodan were around, or if Gavroche stopped back in to check on the last section. Gavroche is a little more 'statistically oriented' than I am, and I'm worried that my additions might clash with his style. In other words, I'm trying to avoid it being obvious that it was written by two different people.

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 5


Hello -o -o -o -o ?

How do these things work? Do the Curators check them out, are the Scouts supposed to comment, do the Eds just pluck them straight from Update?

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 6

Skankyrich [?]

Sorry, Broelan, things do move much more slowly in the Update forum, partly because there are far fewer reviewers.

However, I do think this is ready to go. If there haven't been any more comments after the weekend, shout up and I'll do the update. That is, after you've added a full stop to the end of 'However, they never finished last again in the remaining 82 years of the 20th Century' - the only mistake I could find.

Nice work, this smiley - ok

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 7



I'm also thinking of changing the 'historical info' header, but I can't think of what to change it to. I'll think about it for a day or so.


A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 8


... or a few weeks, as it were.

I've changed the "Historical Information" header to "Historical Highlights". If that meets with general approval and there are no more quibbles, I'm happy to call it done.

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 9


smiley - boing

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 10


smiley - whistle

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 11


smiley - boing again.

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 12


smiley - sigh

A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 13

Skankyrich [?]

Sorry, broelan - I've done the Update now. I don't know why I missed the reminders before; my sincerest apologies. Hopefully you should see some movement soon...


smiley - ok

Thread Moved

Post 14

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team' to 'St Louis Cardinals - Baseball Team'.

Thread Moved

Post 15


smiley - diva

Thanks, Rich!

Thread Moved

Post 16

Skankyrich [?]

There is a conversation about the future of the Update forum here: F615?thread=4446876 - any thoughts you have would be welcome smiley - smiley

We got there in the end, anyway!

Thread Moved

Post 17

Shea the Sarcastic

You had to put 2006 in there! smiley - yuksmiley - tongueout

Update Forum: A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 18


Throughly enjoyed reading your entry on the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball team.smiley - biggrin I only noticed one error in the entry and it was probably a typo. In 1968 Bob Gibson's E.R.A. was not .112 it was 1.12. Which is still the record for E.R.A. over a season. I live in Arizona and I would rather go to a Cardinal game played at Busch Stadium, old or new, than to an Arizona Diamondback game played in there ballpark in Pheonix.
smiley - cheers

Update Forum: A22455984 - The St Louis Cardinals Baseball Team

Post 19

Skankyrich [?]

I've corrected that smiley - ok Thank you!

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