A Conversation for John Briggs

Alternative Writing Workshop: A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 1


Entry: John Briggs - A19798852
Author: johnnybriggs - U1022478

Biography of my namesake

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Have you tried posting this in Peer Review? I don't see why this wouldn't make an excellent Guide Entry.smiley - smiley

Very interesting, btw.

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 3


No time to read and do you justice.

But, hopefully, tomorrow

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 4


He's a fascinating character, I originally posted some of this article on Wikipedia however over enthusiastic editing constant vandalism causes me to post it here on the Guide. I have seen this article on reference.com and answers.com. and others it is very high on Google but this is pretty much original research from the net and from old books I own (hopefully referenced here).

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 5


This is so very interesting, though I confess to being bamboozled by the batting and bowling figures !

What an eventful life John and his family led. A film or a play of the Briggs family would make for spectacular viewing.

Thank you for writing this for H2. I would never have known a thing about John Briggs if not for you.

(I hope you make the front page !)

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 6


As dmg says, excellent, but very probably also Edited Guide suitable.

This forum (the AWW) is really for creative writing that doesn't meet the EG rules (usually because it's fictional or poetry or an opinion-piece). Although most of us here are notoriously bad at guessing what the Edited Guide will accept, this is surely well inside the Guidelines.

If you'd like to make the Front Page, I'd say your best chance is to put this into Peer Review (an alternative selection through the 'Submit for Review' button.

On the other hand, if you like it just as it is and don't really want 'committee improvement', you might be happier leaving it here.

Pinsmiley - smiley (prepared to make an exceptional curt nod to a Lancastrian)

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 7

Trout Montague

I can recommend the most excellent link: A890570

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 8


I'd like to propose FM.


A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 9

SashaQ - happysad

I would second that, as long as you have no concerns about what happens when you search for "for lancashire and england briggs shouldered an incredible burden" - looks a bit odd to me, but I'm only on the tablet computer this evening so I can't quite tell...

A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 10


You're right - there does seem to be a remarkable degree of similarity between this entry and Sticky Wicket Pedia. Probably best we declare this Out – Back to Entry.


A19798852 - John Briggs

Post 11

SashaQ - happysad

h2g2 would benefit from an Entry about John Briggs, so there is perhaps Flea Market potential, but it would need to be made clear that any rescuer would need to do a heavy rewrite... But then again the author said he put it here because he didn't like the way it was rewritten on Sticky Wicket Pedia, so Back to Entry is probably best...

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