John Briggs

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Johnny Briggs (born October 3, 1862, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, England; died January 11, 1902, Heald Green, Cheadle, Cheshire, England).

He was a great cricketer. A left arm spin bowler for Lancashire County Cricket Club between 1879 and 1900. He is still the second-highest wicket-taker for Lancashire after Brian Statham. Neither of these records will ever be matched.

In the early days of Test match cricket, Briggs was one of the most successful bowlers, proving deadly on wet or drying "sticky" wickets, whilst both for his county and country his batting — though at times too careless — was very useful. He was the first bowler in Test cricket to take 100 wickets, and held the record of most wickets in Test cricket from 1898 until 1904, when Hugh Trumble bettered it.[1] He should have the same fame as Clarrie Grimmett (200), Fred Truman (300), Richard Hadlee (400), Courtney Walsh (500) and Shane Warne (700).

Short, even for the 19th century (less than five feet four or 162 centimetres), Briggs' skill lay in his ability to vary the flight and pace of the ball as well as in achieving prodigious spin on the primitive pitches of the nineteenth century. According to a pen picture by his captain AC MacLaren he could spin the ball both ways but took many wickets with a fast yorker. Under the laws of the time he could also bowl "a fast ball to the batsman's shoulder" - in modern times this would be called a beamer and would be illegal.

As a batsman, Briggs was capable of hitting very effectively, but as time went by an eagerness to punish every ball set in and led to a decline.

He was the son of a professional club cricketer and he first played as a sub pro at the age of 13 (at Hornsea in Yorkshire). His father James played cricket and rugby for various teams and took his wife and five children around the north of England until he settled down as a pub landlord near Widnes. The 1881 census suggests James kept the Cross Keys at Appleton village. Rugby was an amateur game at this time. James and later Johnny played rugby for Widnes but supported themselves through professional cricket.

Briggs first played for Lancashire in 1879, and established himself as a regular player by 1882 despite hardly bowling at all and doing little of significance with the bat. He was however a famous fielder at cover. In 1883 and 1884 his batting improved so much that he was chosen to tour Australia with Alfred Shaw's team and played in all the Test matches, scoring an impressive 121 in Melbourne.

In 1885, Briggs developed amazingly as a bowler: having scarcely bowled at all in previous seasons, he took 67 wickets for 13.74 each, and in 1886, his bowling helped England achieve a 3-0 cleansweep of the series, their last whitewash victory in a series of three or more Tests in the Ashes until 1977. His batting did not suffer: Briggs hit a career-best 186 against Surrey at Liverpool — adding a then-record 173 for the tenth wicket with Dick Pilling. In the exceptionally dry summer of 1887, Briggs took 100 wickets for the first time, whilst in the appalling summer of 1888 he was consistently deadly on the treacherous pitches. His 160 wickets cost only 10.49 each, and the following year he was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year. He was ruthless on artificial (coconut matting) pitches in South Africa's first two Test matches in 1888/9 (only canonised as such much later), taking 15 for 28 in the second Test, of which fourteen were clean bowled.[2]

For Lancashire and England, Briggs shouldered an incredible burden. For Lancashire, as a professional in a team of amateurs he was expected to open the bowling and sometimes to bowl all day in tandem with the other pro's, Barlow, Crossland, Mold. He toured Australia five times and went to South Africa, experiencing very high temperatures. Professional cricketers were expected to play through injuries, if they didn't play, they would not be paid. His health suffered even before his famous injury and last illness.

Briggs bowled the third ever hat trick in Test Cricket. It happened at Sydney in 1892 when he finished off the Australian second innings.

In 1894, aged just 32 but with 15 years of professional cricket behind him, he was given the Roses match, Lancashire v Yorkshire as his testimonial. His family's financial security depended on there being a large crowd for this game, which would he held over several days. Lancashire prepared a wicket which would last for the full length of the match and covered it.

The Yorkshire captain Lord Hawke objected to playing on such an overprepared wicket, whatever the motive was, he insisted on playing on fresh damp pitch. The game was over very quickly and Johnny lost out on hundreds of pounds. It was one of the few times he was rude to an opponent "I don't wish to speak to you sir" he said to Lord Hawke.

On the 1894/5 tour at Sydney he played a part in the first time a team won after following on. Australia scored a massive 586 on a relatively poor pitch- partly because of England's wicket keeper dropping some important chances. When England batted they struggled to 325 only because Briggs at No.8 scored 57. They were asked to follow on. This time they batted well on a wearing pitch, Lancashire's Albert Ward scored a hundred and Johnny Briggs made another 42. Australia only needed 177 to win and made it to 117 for 2 by close of play. Some of the England players had given the match up. Peel, the other spinner in the side got very drunk. Overnight however it rained and in the morning the sun was shining. A wet wicket drying under a hot sun would soon become a sticky wicket. Peel was put under a shower to sober up. He and Briggs were unplayable and the match was won by 10 runs.

With the controversial speedster Arthur Mold, Briggs formed a deadly bowling combination for Lancashire from 1889 onwards: both bowlers took over 100 wickets every year from 1889 to 1896, frequently bowling almost unchanged through an innings and keeping Lancashire near the top of the Championship table even with almost no worthwhile support bowlers. His batting remained useful until 1894, after which his impatience tended to get the better of him and, despite rapidly improving pitches, he played few significant innings in his later years. Interestingly, CB Fry described his trademark shot as a "whizzing uppercut that travels over third man's head", a thoroughly modern sounding stroke. Nonetheless, Briggs' superb bowling — though aided by a number of sticky wickets — won Lancashire their first official County Championship in 1897, but he was a disappointment in Australia the following winter and suffered a severe decline in his bowling the following year.

In 1899, Briggs was still thought good enough to play for England at Headingley, but before that he had suffered a blow over the heart stopping a shot from Tom Hayward. Though this injury was not thought severe, Briggs collapsed during the Test and did not play for the rest of the season. He was one of the first patients to receive an X Ray examination and it was found that a rib had damaged his heart.

In 1900, he made a remarkable comeback, taking all ten wickets for 55 against Worcestershire and scoring over 800 runs, but soon afterwards it became clear he was suffering severely from mental illness. Confined to an asylum, Briggs never recovered and died early in 1902 at the age of just 39 — a tragic loss to cricket and especially Lancashire, who severely missed his bowling between 1901 and 1903.

4000 people attended his funeral in Stretford, Manchester. He left a widow and two small boys. He was aged just 39.

Briggs' talents weren't limited to just cricket. He also played hockey for Manchester. Between 1878-1882 he played for Widnes Rugby League Football Club. He played the important position of fullback (standing at at 5 ft 4 ins tall). Many people remarked on his sharp and atheletic fielding and it was probably due to the skills and fitness that he gained during his stint with Widnes. In 1882 a broken arm made him think about retirement from rugby. He carried on playing for Widnes occasionally until 1884 after which time his cricket career blossomed.

Briggs competed with Yorkshireman Bobby Peel for the left-arm spinner's position in the England Test side, and accomplished more fine performances at Test level, notably at Adelaide in 1891/1892 and at The Oval in 1893. There was a much remarked upon contrast between the two. Briggs was chirpy, hard working and much loved. Peel was a dissolute dipsomaniac who eventually left the game after embarrassing himself. Briggs eventually lost his England place to Wilfred Rhodes, a Yorkshireman, but one of the greatest players the game has known.

CB Fry wrote of Briggs "'This little animal is round and smiles, it bowls and bowls and bowls and it always gets wickets' Of course no one would call Johnny a beast not even a disappointed batsman. Why, he beams upon you before and after your innings. The shorter your innings the happier he is towards you. He passes you a cheery time of day. He inquires with feeling about your health and form. He rubs the ball in the dust, takes two steps and serves you a fast yorker instead of the high tossed slow you expected. You retire, he smiles. What could be pleasanter?"

External links

1. Players Holding Highest Aggregate Test Wickets



"Johnny Briggs" (1902) by Herbert Turner

"Giants of the Game" (1901) by Lyttleton, Ford, Fry, Giffen


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