A Conversation for Ironing

Ironing and penises (peni?)

Post 1

Ferdinand the Imposter

Suggestion: penis-bearing humaniods should not iron in the nude, otherwise they may become non-penis bearing and iron all the more because of it.


Post 2


Maybe ironing was invented so that both genders have clothes which , oh my god, aren't covered in creases and they actually look neat & tidy!!!


Post 3


But who thought of the great idea - I know I would look much neater if I had a crease down the front of my trousers? Thats not neat that's daft!


Post 4

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

if God had wanted us to iron, he wouldn't have given us permanent press.smiley - fish@


Post 5


This is freakily weird. Three hours ago, almost exactly, I was talking to Mark and Sam about this thread. I remembered that it was one of my first ever conversations on h2g2, possibly my first ever. 30 weeks ago we were in the first few days of h2g2. And the very day I talk about the thread someone posts to it. For the first time in six months.

Alicat are you psychic? Or are you bugging the h2g2 editor's room? smiley - winkeye


Post 6

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

i'm not really sure anymore, Peta, but it's starting to scare me. do you think it could be the choccy that Esti gave me yesterday? i've been craving them ever since. can you help me, please?smiley - fish@


Post 7


It really is a weird co-incidence. You're mind melding with the site. If it's the effect of choccy then I'd better have some too. Scary alert!


Post 8

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi Peta. Here's a choccy to get your day started. (hands peta a choccy) i'm going to get a case of these things. i think they act as a catalyst for some serious esp. are you all recovered from your flu?i pray to God you are. i think i'll join you in a choccy. i'll have to thank esti.smiley - fish@


Post 9

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Ah, the days before the smiley - choc smiley was invented!

TRiG.smiley - bigeyes


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