This is the Message Centre for Peta
On holiday - long weekend!
Peta Started conversation Sep 7, 2005
I'm off for a long weekend this weekend, so not in work tomorrow or Friday. I'm off to my friends' Roo and Loo's wedding. Loo's mother Pru will be there - seriously!
Should be good - I'll be back with a hangover (probably) on Monday.
See you then, have fun and be good.
Oh, and have some
On holiday - long weekend!
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Sep 7, 2005
Traveller in Time counting
"Is it coincidence ?
One day to get into the job again ?
Take care, and make sure you are prepared for the worst on Sodit.
On holiday - long weekend!
Wendy RedredRobin Posted Sep 11, 2005
It has been a weekend for weddings, but none to match the cast list of Roo and Loo with Pru too! I wonder if they will have children called Stu and Sue (Stoo and Soo) Lovely
Hope everybody had a wonderful time.
On holiday - long weekend!
Peta Posted Sep 12, 2005
Thanks all,
It was a really lovely wedding. The bride looked gorgeous, the groom wore a kilt and it's Monday morning and my head hurts. Must have been a good wedding!
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On holiday - long weekend!
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